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Home Make Money Online How To Earn $10 And Up To $50 On Cash Camel

How To Earn $10 And Up To $50 On Cash Camel

 Cash Came Survey – How To Earn $10 And Up To $50 Taking Surveys On Cash Camel

Recently, it’s been back to back revelation of surveys and survey related platforms in a bid to ensure that we help everyone that is willing to make money online, to archive their aims an be happy at the end of their daily activities.Here is another complete step by step instructions on how cash camel survey app works and how to make some bucks directly to your PayPal account while taking short surveys on cash camel app.

Ranging from Zap surveys, which helps you to make up to $50 every week, Eurekasurveys, which helps you to make up to $100 every week, Usercrowd, which helps you to make up to $100 within a short period of time, surveytime, which guaranteed you of making $1 for each completed survey and lots.

Today, I will be revealing another survey app that works like that of Eurekasurveys and allows you to make cool cash taking short survey as well. However, if you are new to survey platforms, then you should read our previous article on Eurekasurveys as it explains everything on how to partake in survey and make money without much difficulties.

How Did Eurekasurveys Works?

As I have mentioned above, the ways you can be making money on Eurekasurveys is limited to only paid surveys, it’s either survey or nothing.

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You might be wondering how you are going to cope with the fact that you are not used to taking online surveys, but don’t worry, we have gat you covered in our previous guide. With the piece of information that has been provided in the previous guide, you should be able to take the surveys without any issue. That’s if you read carefully! click here to read the previous guide, that’s if you are new to survey platforms.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the detailed step by step instructions on hoe the cash camel app works and how to utilize it in making money online.

Requirements For Making Money On Cash Camel

1. The cash camel app itself. Download it here.

2. A valid PayPal account. Click here for detailed information on how to create a valid PayPal account that can send and receive money in Nigeria.

3. A VPN.

• Download Gecko VPN here.

• Download Yoga VPN here. Yoga VPN isn’t effective anymore, you can consider Using Thunder VPN instead.

• Download Go VPN here. Go VPN is not effective anymore as well, you can use tunnelbear instead.

Extra: You can try out Vpnify as well.

You can use any of the VPN above, just choose one and if you have anyone or know anyone before, you good to go with it.

4. A valid email address.

5. Adequate attention to Read everything on this page carefully.

Cash Came Registration

How To Register On Cash Camel

1. Open your preferred VPN and connect it to USA.

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2. Click here to download and install the cash camel app directly from play store.

3. After which you have installed the app, open the app and you will see a welcome message.

4. You will see a new survey of $0.2, which is tagged as welcome survey, click to open the survey.

4i. You will be asked to fill your profile;

Always use age of 35 and above.

Your country Must be United States.

Relationship status should be married.

Profession should be IT

You should always use two children under the age of 18.

With all this, you shouldn’t have any problem being qualify for surveys.

5. In the process of answering the survey mentioned above, you will be redirected to the registration page.

6. Enter your valid email address and set your password.

7. A verification code will be sent to your email address.

Cash Came Verification

8. Check your email address to copy the verification code and return to the registration page to enter the code into the appropriate place and complete your registration.

9. You will be redirected to your dashboard.

10. Congratulations! You have completed your cash camel registration successfully and you can now take the available surveys and get paid for your honest answers.

Cash Came Earnings

How To Withdraw Your Earnings From Cash Camel

Withdrawing your earned cash from Cash Camel is as simple withdrawing from other popular platforms, just follow the instruction below and you are good to go.

1. Make sure you have minimum of $10 in your earning balance, you can accumulate more, but the minimum amount required to withdrawal is $10 (Now $5).

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2. Login to your dashboard and click on your balance.

3. You will be redirected to where you will be asked for your email address.

4. Enter your PayPal email address and click on the submit button to submit your withdrawal request.

5. Wait patiently for your cash to be sent to your PayPal account enjoy!

NOTE: Make sure to always connect your VPN to USA whenever you want to open the app and always pay attention to the surveys, to let your response be accurate as possible.


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Thanks for reading and sharing!!!


    • Hello sir!!!
      There was a survey I enter,it shows me your account has been blocked,and I am not able to get any surveys,it always shows me no surveys available.

  1. I have not been getting surveys on cash camel since I reached $1.60 and zap survey I don't get to see surveys on in brain survey and its always asking me to turn on location should I turn d location?

  2. My boss please is that any alternative because UBA BANK in ondo town says they can give africard to anybody again that the card is monitor,and my boss what do I do

  3. I keep getting a message from cashcamel after sponsored surveys


    We can’t accept response from an account that hides under a proxy.

    And they won’t reward afterwards


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