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How To Get Free N500 On Bundle App And Earn Up To N10,000

 Bundle App Referral Program – How To Get Free N500 Earn up To N10,000 Referring People To Download and Trade On Bundle App

Bundle App Referral Program
How To Make Money
On Bundle App



Here is another complete step by step guide on to get a whooping sum of N500 just to sign up on bundle app and earn as high as N10,000 or more, depending on how you take it serious. But be it you are ready to refer or not, you will actually earn a bonus as their registration bonus can be withdrawn directly to your Nigeria bank account.


If you didn’t forget, I recently made an announcement on our telegram channel that the chipper cash app, which works with almost the same principle with the program to be revealed in this article has recently increased their referral bonus from N250 to N370, and the bundle app to be revealed in this guide as well, has recently modify their bonus term for a specific period of time.


As I have stated in the just concluded line above, you should have known by now if you haven’t before, that the Bundle referral program is not at all a newly lunched program, it has been going on for couple of months now, but their verification terms is what seems somewhat high for many individuals. But for now, the verification terms has been modified and you can now earn your bonuses, both sign up and referral bonus without stress.

Bundle Referral Rush



You might be interested in what the newly made modification is, and I will do justice to that right now!

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When the app was newly lunched, you must verify your account and trade with minimum of N5000 before you can get your registration bonus and your referrals too, must do same before you can earn for referring them to the app.

But recently, the bundle app just introduced and offer called referral rush, which allows everyone to get their respective sign up/referral bonus, once you register and trade with just N1,100, likewise that of the individuals you referred.

This offer seems to be a promotional offer as it has been scheduled to hold between now and November third, this implies that by the fourth of November, the registration requirements will go back to normal. It’s left to you to take the opportunity serious before it expired.

You might be confused with the fact that I said the registration is free but at the same time, you have to trade with minimum of N1,100 now N5,100 before getting your bonus. Yes! This is because, the N1,100 which has now increased to N5,100 is still yours and you can withdraw it back to your bank account, once the trade is completed. Just follow instructions and enjoy!



What Is Bundle Africa?

Before I dive into the detailed instruction on how to make this cool cash via the bundle app referral rush, I will like to brief you on what the app is all about and the service they rendered.

Bundle is a social payment app for both cash and crypto, which makes it an easy task to send and receive payments as well as buying and selling of crypto currencies.


Requirements For Bundle App Registration


1. Minimum N1,100 now N5,100 to complete your first trade. Don’t worry, you can withdraw your money back to your account immediately after the trade.

2. A valid BVN number. Don’t worry, your BVN is 100% safe.

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3. Few moments to read, understand and follow all instruction to be provided in this article.


How To Register On Bundle Africa To Get Your Sign Up Bonus

1. Simply click here  to download and Register on bundle app.

2. Follow the prompts to verify your email address, Identity, which will include your BVN, don’t worry, your BVN is 100% safe as stated earlier.

3. Make sure you have completed your verification and your account is Verified as shown in the picture above.

4. Then click on profile at the bottom of the app and click on refer and earn.

5. You will see a box asking for a valid bundle user name of your referral,  enter @adexbkw into that box and click on redeem.

4. Now Click on wallet at the bottom of the app and check the top corner of the app, select add cash and choose your preferred payment method. I recommend card, because it have low charges fee. But if you are having problem with your ATM card, you can use direct bank method.

5. Fund your account with 5,100.




6. Now go to your wallet and locate BUSD as shown in the picture above, click on it and select buy in the menu that follows.

7. Buy BUSD coin worth of N5,100, wait for a minute and sell it again.

8. Now Withdraw your N5,100 back to your bank account and wait for your bonus.

9. If you can refer, go to profile and choose refer and earn, then copy your link and refer to get N500 for every referral.

10. If you can’t refer, just wait for your N500 bonus to be credited and Withdraw it.


NOTE: For clarification purpose, I have prepared a video to guide you on how to complete your first trade without any problem. watch it below and let it serve as guideline for you, in order to avoid mistakes.

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Note that to get your N500 bonus, you must enter @adexbkw into the box provided on the refer and earn Page.

How To Refer Friends And Earn Up To N10,000 Or More


1. Open Your Bundle app.

2. Click on profile at the bottom of the app.

3. You will be redirected to an option menu, select refer and earn.

4. Scroll down to locate the copy button as shown in the picture above.


5. Copy it and send it to your referrals.

6. Tell your referral to verify their account and complete a trade of N1,100 now N5,100 as instructed above.

7. The more you refer, the more N500 accumulated and with your effort, you can set a target.


Thing To Take Note About The Bundle Referral Rush;

1. You must follow all the instruction above to get your bonus.

2. Registration bonus is N500 as well as the referral bonus and both can be withdrawn to your bank account.

3. It will take 15days after verification for your account to be credited with your respective bonuses.

4. You trade must not be lesser than N5,000 and that’s why we have added extra N100, just in case. with this method, there will be no panic of your trade falling bellow N5,050.

5. There is no maximum number of people you can refer, you can earn unlimitedly, depending on your capability.

Bundle Referral Rush Deadline



6. Above all, don’t forget that this is a limited time offer, you only have from now till November 3, to take the advantage of this opportunity.



This is to notify everyone that the bundle referral rush program has come to an end.

Hence, the minimum amount of trade required to get either the sign up or the referral bonus has returned back the initial N5000.


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