Airtel unlimited data cheat has recently become a scarce commodity and all Airtel user are willing to enjoy the free unlimited browsing experience with their sim card.
If you have been following us for a while, you will realized that we share more unlimited free browsing cheat on MTN and Glo than that of Airtel and this has prompt some people to bombard our DM with their request.
Today, I am glad to bring a new and blazing method to enjoy Airtel unlimited data cheat, this method doesn’t requires any airtime or data, it’s completely 0.0kb Airtel free browsing cheat as at the moment of writing this report.
However, you will need a VPN called ha tunnel and a configuration file which you will import to enjoy this Airtel unlimited free browsing offer.
But, that is not a problem, this guide will provide you with All you need to know about the method and the configuration file with the link to Download the ha tunnel app.
Ha tunnel VPN is normal VPN and works just like other VPN you might have used for free Browsing or for app tunneling and we will be using it today to enjoy Airtel unlimited data Cheat on our mobile phones.
Requirements For Airtel Unlimited Data Cheat
Below are all you need to enjoy the Airtel unlimited free browsing cheat to be received in this guide, scan through them and follow the instructions attached.
1. Ha tunnel. The main app for the free browsing cheat, Download link will be provided in the later part of this guide.
2. Ha tunnel Airtel data cheat file. The file that we are going to import to enjoy the free browsing, the link to download the file and instructions on how to import it will be provided in the later part of this guide.
3. Airtel Sim card without airtime or data. The sim card must be Registered and active.
4. Internet connection with moderate speed.
Now that you have know all the requirements, let’s proceed to the detailed information on how to enjoy the Airtel unlimited free browsing cheat.
How To Activate Airtel Unlimited Free Browsing Cheat 2021
Follow the instructions below accordingly and enjoy surfing the internet for free.
1. Click here to download the ha tunnel VPN app and install the app.
2. Click here to download the ha tunnel configuration file(Old) and proceed to the next step.
2i New. Click here to download the latest ha tunnel configuration file that has just been uploaded and working smoothly as at the moment of updating this guide.
3. Having installed the ha tunnel app and get the config file Downloaded, open the ha tunnel app.

4. Click on the three white dots at the top right corner of the app and select import/export as shown in the picture above.
5. Select import in the next screen and the app will request for access to your phone gallery or as the case maybe, click on allow.
6. Locate the ha tunnel config file you download in the step two above.
7. Click on the config file to select it and it will be imported to the app.
8. Now Click on the connect button and wait for the app to connect.
9. Once the app connect successfully, you can now minimize the app and start surfing the internet for free.
10. That’s all on the latest Airtel unlimited free browsing cheat, you can use the data to access all app and websites.
If any of the steps above is not clear to you, we have prepared a video guide that shows you how to import the configuration file and how to set everything up to enjoy the latest Airtel unlimited free browsing, watch the video below.
Conclusion: strictly follow the instructions provided above to enjoy the latest Airtel unlimited data cheat without stress and a it’s contained in the earlier part of the guide, the free browsing cheat has no data cap as at the moment of writing this report and you can surf the internet to your satisfaction with 0.0kb on your Airtel sim card.
However, if you still have any question or need help during the app set up, leave a comment in the comments section below and you will be provided with the appropriate response as soon as possible.
The cheat is working perfectly mehn…. Thanks alot and God bless u abundantly!
When clicked on the link for download of Ha tunnel and file it takes you back to the telegram page
Yes! The app and the file is there, just check when you get to the Telegram channel
My major issue with the VPN is one can’t make either a WATSAPP call or video….
That’s not a problem, so far you can access all web and apps. You can’t use WhatsApp calls with the cheat.
It stopped going, no matter how many times I try. I’ve reconnected a lot. It shows connected but it won’t browse or do anything
Check your internet connection.
Does it mean, if I have airtime on my account the cheat won’t work fine?
No! But if you have data, the data will be deducted and the cheat will only be effective after which your data has been exhaust.
Pls my glo is conneting
Pls I mean my glo is not connecting….
Mine is not not connecting please. I’ve downloaded both the VPN and the file…. I’ve installed the VPN and add the file. But its not connecting
Make sure you have followed the procedure in the guide and try again.
Good say… Pls how do I recognize the file. As I have so many files on my phone. Dunno which one is for the Ha. Though I’ve installed the ‘Ha’ app, but couldn’t locate the app as I don’t know which it is.
The file ends with .hat , you can watch the attached Video for reference.
Can this app be disassembled by Airtel?
It’s no more working as of now
I love this. It really work for me in the past 3 days, but now it’s not working again. They are saying connection failed. All my internet connections are intact but it refuses to work. So please I need urgent help on what to do because this app has really helped me.
It’s not working at this moment, check the stark VPN 500MB daily and use it as alternative pending the time that the normalcy will be restored.
To Locate the Stark VPN free 500MB, click on the menu bar at the top left corner and select free browsing.
I can’t be able to download the file from telegram group, I use another way, and working slowly
What’s the problem?
Working, but Instantly it will disconnect, and I try to add time, but showing internal error
I download the latest configuration file and I tried connecting it but it’s giving me connection error..I don’t know if it’s only on my side
Try again.
Does it still work ?
How do i connect it from my android and browse on my PC
Click on the search icon at the top right corner of this page and type how to share VPN connection over hotspot in the search box.
Is the configuration file actually airtel unlimited or its 500MB?
The Cap Is stated on the download page.
Those it work for iOS too
Mine is not connecting