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How To Create A WhatsApp TV And Make Money From It

If you have developed an interest in creating a WhatsApp TV but don’t know how it can be done, then you are lucky to be here as this article is going to explain how to create a WhatsApp TV without stress with detailed information that will allow you to make money with your WhatsApp TV and enjoy making money doing what you have been doing for free.

A lots of people have duly interest in creating a WhatsApp TV but don’t know how to go about it and sometimes thinking it’s one of the most difficult thing to do, but that’s no right, having a WhatsApp TV is very simple and it’s as easy as having a personal WhatsApp account but with Small touch of commercial purpose and some tools to make it easier for you to control.

Today, I will be giving you the detailed instructions on how to create a WhatsApp TV, all you need to know about it, how to get started with provision of all the tools you need to get started. I will not show you how to create it alone, but also show you how to make money with your WhatsApp TV.

About WhatsApp TV

WhatsApp TV is a WhatsApp based television where you gathered a specific audience for a specific purpose and feed them with what they always love to see or hear. Is served as a television channel where you provide your viewers with the information you intend to display to them via your WhatsApp status.

When you want to pass any information or serve the purpose with which the TV is being created, you will upload it to your status and they will have full access to watch it at their own end via their WhatsApp status and this is where the term WhatsApp TV originated from.

As it has been stated in the earlier part of this guide, to start a WhatsApp TV, you will have to dedicate a WhatsApp account for posting contents that your viewers love to see.

How can I know the contents that my viewers like to see? Don’t worry, I will explain that to you in the later part of this guide.

Requirements To Start A WhatsApp TV

Before you can start a WhatsApp TV, you need some basic things that you must have to make it easier for you and this basic things compose a detailed information on how to create a WhatsApp TV. Without further ado, check the list of what you need to become a WhatsApp TV owner below;

  • A smart phone. It can be Android or iPhone.
  • A sim card that will be dedicated to your WhatsApp TV. It can be new or old but new sim card is advisable.
  • An area of concentration(a niche).
  • A name that can perfectly describe what your channel/TV is all about.
  • A video editing app. I will recommend inshot pro.
  • A logo.
  • WhatsApp Auto responder (optional).

Above are all you need to have in other to create a WhatsApp TV and start making money doing what you have been doing for free. Let’s get a brief overview on each requirements before moving to detailed information on how to create a WhatsApp TV and and to start making money as a WhatsApp TV owner.

A Smart Phone

This is a primary requirements that you must have before thinking of creating a WhatsApp TV and I am very sure that for you to have access to this guide, you already have a smart phone. As it has been stated in the requirements section of this guide, the smart phone is not necessarily be a Android phone or iPhone, you can use any of the two. So far they have the capability to install and run WhatsApp application successfully.

However, you should consider good smart phone with high capacity in order to run a WhatsApp TV successfully. If you start with a low capacity phone, things might work out beginning but get worse as your TV grows, this is because, the more contact you have, the more your phone memory will get occupied once it’s getting out of what your phone memory can handle, your phone will start hanging.

The least I will recommend you get started with is a smart phone of 2GB ram and 32GB Ron but if you have a smart phone with 1GB RAM, you can get started with it and upgrade later. The higher your device RAM and ROM, the better it will be for you to run the TV smoothly.

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A New Or Old Sim Card For The WhatsApp TV Alone

Your WhatsApp TV should be treated as a business and doing that can easily give you access to a lot of opportunities that you can never imagine. Using your main sim card for your WhatsApp TV is not good and will cause you some inconvenience in the long run and this is the reason why I recommend you getting a new sim card.

But if you have a sim card that you’re not using and you hardly use it to call or receive calls, you can use it as well. The main goal here is to separate your WhatsApp TV line from that of your main line you’re using to call/chat family and friends regularly.

Niche – Area Of Concentration

When I am telling you about WhatsApp TV, I described it as gathering a specific people for a specific purpose and this is where niche comes in. In the heading above, I let you know that niche is the same thing as area of concentration. The niche is the main purpose that your WhatsApp TV intends to serve, is it entertainment, sports, news, or as the case maybe.

There are thousands of niche you can choose from but before you choose a niche, there are lots of things you should put into consideration and above all, make sure to choose a niche that is best for you.

How To Choose A Niche For A WhatsApp TV

If you’re thinking if how to choose a niche for your WhatsApp TV, worry no more, I will give you the main hints to choose a niche that vid best for you as I have mentioned in the previous part of this guide.

When you want to choose a niche for your WhatsApp TV, all you have to do is to look at yourself in terms of what you love most. For example, if you are the kind of person that love football, if you look at your WhatsApp and Facebook groups, you will realized that they’re nominated with sport groups because you love sports.

If you have free time, you will spent in checking updates on sports, watching highlights and one match or the other. In this case, the best niche for you is sports.

Why? Because you have knowledge of sports, you love sports and will get information on sports easily. It will be easier for you to discuss sports with your Audience, you will always have one or two things to say about sports and will never run out of insights about sports. This is what we called making money doing what you like.

As I have used sports as an example in this section, substitute the sports with what you love as a person and choose your niche based on what you always love.

A Name That Describe What Your TV Is all About

When you’re starting a WhatsApp TV, don’t just choose one name, choose a name that reflect what you’re doing, let your niche reflect in your TV name and this will give you the opportunity to draw right audience and won’t be difficult for your audience to know what your WhatsApp TV is actually all about. However, some name can describe general purpose and be able to fit in for any niche you have chosen.

Video Editing Software/Application

As a WhatsApp user, you should have seen a lots of videos on WhatsApp that have a TV name and contact written on it, this are done with the use of video editing app and doing this, you will be able to get more audience as people who love the video will try to copy your contact and join your TV to get more of such video.

I this case we have provide you with inshot pro APK that have been unlocked and will give you access to the premium version of the app for free.


This is your TV identity if you use it as profile picture, people will be able to have one or two details on what your WhatsApp TV is all about by mere looking at the logo. If you want a perfect and clean logo for your WhatsApp and don’t know how to do that, you can contact browsingtech TV to get one at a moderate cost.

WhatsApp Auto Responder To Reply Messages Automatically

This is a software that will help you in replying your WhatsApp messages automatically and if you check the requirements section of this guide, I mentioned it that this software is optional, the reason why it’s included is to be able to reply messages even when you’re not with your phone.

Another reason why it’s optional is that you can create your WhatsApp TV with either normal WhatsApp messenger app or WhatsApp business. If you create a WhatsApp TV with WhatsApp business, you can operate your TV without the WhatsApp Auto responder software. If at the end of the day, you have interest in getting the app, we have provide you with the premium version of the auto responder and you can download it and use it without paying a dime.

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How To Create A WhatsApp TV

Now that you have understand all it requires to start a WhatsApp TV and make money online, the next thing is to create your own WhatsApp TV and below are the detailed step be step instructions on how to create it.

Create A WhatsApp Account

As you have been advised to get a dedicated sim Cary for your WhatsApp TV, all you have bro do now is to create a WhatsApp account with that sim card.

Simply download WhatsApp from Play store, you can use WhatsApp business or WhatsApp messenger. Lunch the app, click on “agree and continue ” and input the number you want to use for the WhatsApp TV. Use your WhatsApp TV name as your account name and your logo as the profile picture if you have a logo already, if you don’t have yet, you can update it later. Once you create the account successfully, your WhatsApp TV has been created.

Compose Your Invitation Message

Once you’re able to create your WhatsApp TV successfully, the next next thing is to create awareness and allow people to know that your TV exists with the purpose you want bit to serve. This is the message you will attach your link to whenever you want to invite people to join your TV. Once you have the invitation message, the next thing is to create invitation link.

how to create a WhatsApp TV link

How To Create An Invitation Link For A WhatsApp TV

The invitation link is what will make it easier for people to save your number without having bro write it down or go through any form of stress before they can save your number. Once they click on the link, it will take them to your DM immediately with the default messages you have set while creating the link.

Let’s you wrote, Hello! My name is(you will put dashes to allow the person type his/her name) I will like to join your TV. You will know that the person have interest to join your TV and you will be able bro save their contact.

There is a duly steps you should follow to get the invitation link created and edit it to your taste and in order to fully understand how it’s done, we have provide you with the detailed guide on how to create a WhatsApp TV invitation link. In the next section of this guide.

WhatsApp Shortlink – How To Create A WhatsApp TV Link

There are two ways in which you can create a WhatsApp TV link and use it to invite people to join your TV, I called this a short link because it’s a single string of link that can consists of message made up of many words. I will show you the best and easiest two ways to create this link.

How To Create Link With WhatsApp Business

If you’re using WhatsApp business to operate your TV, it will be very easier for you to create your invitation link and all you have to do is to open your WhatsApp Business application and click on the three white dots at the top right corner.

Once you click on the three white dots, select settings and click on tools on the next screen, scroll down and select short link, you will see a box provided for your text below the page, click on it to edit it and enter your Own text. A link will be generated for you automatically, copy the link and share it or use it for other purpose you intend to use it For.

However, there is limit to the number of words that this method can contains and in case your text is longer than the maximum number of words allowed, this method will not work for you and this is where the second method comes in.

How To Create WhatsApp TV Link From Scratch

With this method, you will be able to compose the message by yourself and enter as many words as possible. This method requires a lot of explanation on things you supposed to Know in order to be able to use this method without issue.

However, in order to make it simple for you, I have decided to teach you this method in another dimension and what will happen here is that I will give you the link I created using this method and teach you how to substitute the word to a word of your choice.

Simply copy this “https://wa.me/2348128333856?text=Hello!%20I%20am%20interested%20in%20getting%20updates%20from%20browsingtechzone%2C%20my%20name%20is____

Now, replace the contact with your own WhatsApp TV contact and all the words highlighted in red with your own preferred words. The text result of the above shortlink reads “Hello! I am interested in getting updates from browsingtechzone, my name is__”.

WhatsApp TV welcome message sample
welcome message

Set A Welcome Message

This is message that will be sent automatically to anyone that text you for the very first time, this message should consists of a text that will explain on details, what your WhatsApp TV is all about and what they should do in order to have access to your status.

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If you are using WhatsApp business for your TV all you have to do is to open your WhatsApp and click on the three white dots at the top right corner and click on settings, you will see tools, click on it and edit the greetings message to any of your choice.

If you choose to be using normal WhatsApp messenger for your TV, the detailed instructions on how to set the welcome message has been outlined in our WhatsApp auto responder download page.

How To Save People Contact

Whenever you’re composing your welcome message, make sure you emphasis the importance of getting your contact saved bon their device, they must save your contact to join your WhatsApp TV.

As they save your contact, you must save their contact too and when you’re saving the contacts, make sure to use email to save contact. Email allows you to save Unlimited number of contacts and above all, you will be free from loosing contacts.

At this point, you have successfully create a WhatsApp TV and you’re heading to the step to start making money but before you can the of making money with your WhatsApp TV, the first thing is to grow your Audience and once you have enough Audience, the money will come.

You might be thinking of how to grow your Audience but don’t worry, I will show you how and this is why this guide is a complete step by step guide on how to create a WhatsApp TV.

How To Grow Your WhatsApp TV Audience

You number one priority after creating your WhatsApp TV should be how to get more audience and there are lots of ways to archive that. Below are the different strategies you can utilize to gain more audience.

Make Use Of Social Media

This is the best tool to grow your WhatsApp TV audience for free, you don’t have to pay a dime to anybody, all you have to do is to join groups that have same or similar aims to that of your TV, post interesting thing that people will love and attache your invitation link so can can join you get more of the contents.

Use Sponsored Ads

Get in touch with other WhatsApp TV owners that have enough Audience already and pay them to promote your TV on their own. Each TV have the way they operate, price and how they place advert for people on their TV. Get in touch with any popular ones you know and have the appropriate discussion and agreement with them.

Use Referral Contest

This is one of the most effective way to grow your WhatsApp TV and this involved the use of your current Audience to gain more audience by setting a particular price for the first, second and third users with the highest invitation over a particular period of time.

Keep Your Audience Engaged

The only way to keep your audience engaged is by posting regularly and always posting what your audience always like to see. By doing this, people will be happy to recommend you to their friends and also spread your TV name whenever they repost any interest Post of yours.

How To Make Money With Your WhatsApp TV

As I have promised that I will not only teach you how to create a WhatsApp TV, but only show you how to make money with your WhatsApp TV and and this section, I will be showing you how to make Cool Cash with your WhatsApp TV without any form of stress.

There are multiple ways you can utilize to make money on WhatsApp with your TV and in this section I will expanciate on the major ways to make money with WhatsApp TV.

Sponsored Advert

This is the primary way to make money on WhatsApp TV and if you remember, I mentioned using Sponsored advert when growing your TV and logically, this tells you that when your TV is well managed, a lot of TV that are just starting will pay you to promote them.

When you have enough Audience, a lot of business owners will need more visibility for their business and will pay you handsomely to advertise their business on your TV. Their is no limit to the amount and type of sponsorship you can get when you manage your WhatsApp TV properly.

Start A Business And Convert Your Audience To Your Buyers/Customers

If you have a WhatsApp TV and eventually start a guest or get involved in selling one or two things, instead of using your money to run advert, you can display you product on your TV and make heavy sales on a daily or weekly basis.

Affiliate Marketing

This is another instinct way to make money with your WhatsApp TV and this involved in promoting products and services you didn’t own and get paid with Commission whenever people buy the product.

There are lots of affiliate marketing company company out their with high commission. You can make your Research and join anyone of your and get paid handsomely whenever a transaction is made from your recommendation.

However, you can also reach out to an individual and have agreement and promote their personal product on your TV and whenever you help them secure a sale, you will get paid with the agreed commission.

Conclusion: WhatsApp is undoubtedly one of the best way to make money online and at the comfort of your room even without spending a dime outside your data and I am sure you waste enough data on a daily basis and won’t get paid For it.

If you have been looking for a way to make money using WhatsApp, then this guide has been able to give you all you need to know on how to create a WhatsApp TV and turn it to your personal ATM machine without stress.



  1. Wow! I am really impressed. But I have started for some months now and my audience is not more than 150views daily and I have over 1600 contact list in my mail. What should I do?

  2. Thank you very much for sharing this with us, me I was thinking WhatsApp tv is another special TV that will require plenty things to create I didn’t even know that you create it just as normal WhatsApp. Thank you very much I will create mine also


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