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Home Reviews Qava.org Review – See If Qava Is Legit or Scam

Qava.org Review – See If Qava Is Legit or Scam

qava.org review

Qava.org review and is a detailed insight on the recently lunched Qava pyramid scheme that allows you to get double of your investment in 24hrs. Apparently, the platform promised that all members will be able to earn 200,000 naira with an investment of just 2000 naira.

That’s huge right? But the question is if the qava.org is legit or just another Scam. But not to worry, I will provide you with all the information you need to know about there platform and If it’s legit or just another scam.

About Qava.org

Qava.org is a Ponzi platform that allows you to get double of your investment in 6hours and provide you with plans to reinvest till you earn 200,000 naira with just an initial investment of 2000 naira. When you register in the platform, you will pay a sum of 2000 naira and get 4000 in 6hours, you will be able to upgrade to higher matrix with that 4000 naira and get 8000 in just 6 hours and the chain continues like that.

However, it will be a very good idea if you can read our zenora.me  review as this will give you detailed information about the platform, where they start from and where the platform is right Now.

Zenora.app is the latest version of zenora.me and qava.org in the latest version of zenora.app. I don’t know if you get that right, just read it again and grab the message being passed. You still don’t understand? Just keep reading, you will understand before the end of this qava review.

What is qava actually

Qava is a a Crypto Coin developed by zenora and can only be distributed within the members of the platform, you can Buy Qava, you can Sell Qava, and you can even Transfer Qava to your friends. You can also use your Qava to join the ICO (Matrix).

While developing the qava coin, the platform promised less stress with the fact that you will be able to upgrade with the Qava you already have. Meaning you won’t have to pay new money when upgrading. Once you’ve joined level 1, you won’t ever have to pay new money when upgrading.

Stability is also one of the acclaimed features, As a digital currency that has utility, Qava will be technically uncrashable.

how qava works

How qava works

Qava adopt a peer to peer Ponzi scheme system as that of mypay247 with touch if matrix, this matrix is what will enable you to make up to 200,000 naira with an investment of just N2,000. It’s just like getting double of your investment and reinvesting it till you make much money.

For example, when you register on qava.org and join your first matrix with 2000, you will be marged with two other people and these people will pay you 2,000 each. Sometimes, you might be marged with one person to pay you the whole 4,000, depending on the number if individuals that are available to join new matrix. Below shows the different levels that are available on the platform and how they works.

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Level one

You will join this level by paying 2,000 and you will be merged with other users that will pay you a total sum of 4,000.

Once you get the four thousand naira, the next step is to upgrade to level two.

Level two

You will join this level by paying 3,000 and you will be merged with other users that will pay you a total sum of 6,000.

Once you get the six thousand naira, the next step is to upgrade your level to level three.

Level three

You will join this level by paying 5,000 and you will be merged with other users that will pay you a total sum of 10,000.

Once you get the ten thousand naira, the next step is to upgrade your level to level four.

Level four

You will join this level by paying 8,000 and you will be merged with other users that will pay you a total sum of 16,000.

Once you get the sixteen thousand naira, the next step is to upgrade your level to level five.

Level five

You will join this level by paying 14,000 and you will be merged with other users that will pay you a total sum of 28,000.

Once you get the twenty eight thousand naira, the next step is to upgrade to level six.

Level six

You will join this level by paying 24,000 and you will be merged with other users that will pay you a total sum of 48,000.

Once you get the forty eight thousand naira, the next step is to upgrade to level seven.

Level seven

You will join this level by paying 40,000 and you will be merged with other users that will pay you a total sum of 80,000.

Once you get the eighty thousand naira, the next step is to upgrade to level 8.

Level eight

You will join this level by paying 60,000 and you will be merged with other users that will pay you a total sum of 120,000.

Once you get the one hundred and twenty thousand naira, the next step is to upgrade to level 9.

Level nine

This is the final level on the platform, you will join this level by paying 100,000 and you will be merged with other users that will pay you a total sum of 200,000.

Once you get the two hundred thousand naira, you have complete the level series and at this point, it either you decide to quite, Start a new matrix or invest in the compensation investment plan provided by zenora

Important Notification: qava is using it’s own coin to pay it’s user’s, this coin is known as qava coin and you will be paid in qava and you can in turn convert the qava into naira. I only use naira while explaining how it works because:

1. I want to to fully understand how it works and where the platform get the money used in paying you on each level.

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2. Qava is equivalent to naira and 2000Q is the same thing as N2000

qava registration

Qava Registration – how to sign up on qava.org

In order to register on the platform, all you have to do is to click here to go to the qava registration page, on getting to the registration page, simply fill all the required details to complete your registration, login to your account and get started.

Qava.org login

Immediately you complete the registration, you will be redirected to the login page automatically and Incase you miss that, simply go to qava.org and click on the Menu bar to select login. Enter your email address and password and you will be redirected to your dashboard.

How to setup qava account

To set up your qava account, all you have to do is to login to your account, click on the Menu bar and select profile, you will see update profile button, click on it to update your bank details in order to get paid.

How to join level 1 on qava

Login to your account and scroll down, you will see the join button at the bottom of the app, click on it and follow the prompts.

Qava.org review

As I have promised to reveal all you need to know about the platform and tell you if the platform is legit or not, I am going to be providing you will facts about the platform in this section of my honest qava.org review.

In the previous part of this guide, I said zenora.app is the new zenora.me and qava.org is the new zenora.app. here is what I meant by that:

When zenora.me wa lunched, it’s promised to allow people invest 1000 naira and cash out 64,000 in just seven days, which they failed and leads to the platform total shutdown.

This Same people relaunch and come up with zenora.app platform, version 2.0 of zenora.me, where they promised to app all pending Balance in version 1.0 but on getting to the version 2.0, the platform says you can only withdraw your outstanding balance when you get to level 7 on the zenora version 2.0, but unfortunately, am not sure if anyone is able to reach level 7 when the platform stopped working again, they didn’t even stay up to 7 days this time around. Wow!

Now, zenora version 2.0 have crashed just like that, and the qava is being introduced immediately by this Same set of people. Ok! If we said you should invest an amount you can afford to loose, those that mean you derive pleasure in loosing money? Let see the green and the red flags found on the platform first.

Qava review – green and red flags section

This is one of the important section of qava review and it reveal some tangible information about the platform. The green flags are the factors you can consider to invest on the platform while the Red are the factors you can consider to zoom off the platform.

Gree flags on found on the qava platform

Actually, browsingtechzone can’t seems to found any green flag on the platform as at the moment of writing this qava.org, though they usually pay those that joins earlier, but if we take a look at the zenora.app, the second version of zenora.me, it supposed to take each members a good 7days to reach the final stage, but the platform itself didn’t stay up to 7 days.

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Ok! It has developed it’s own crypto currency this Time around, but still, browsingtechzone.com didn’t found any tangible reason to buy the idea and the coin is fully control by the platform and is not even on block chain, so how is it a crypto currency?

Only thing that brings green flags on the platform is that there is no harm in trying, if you think you have 2000 naira you can loose, you can try it out and might be lucky to cash out before the platform crash completely again.

Red flags found on qava

Qava is undoubtedly a Ponzi scheme and all Ponzi scheme are bound to crash at a particular period of time, on this note, if you must invest, make sure you can afford to loose the starting 2000 in case things goes wrong earlier than expected.

The platform has failed twice and this is their third attempt on a row.

When the first version crashed, they promised to pay in second version, but this Time around, they ain’t even talking about the pending Balance on zenora.app

I only see the introduction of qava coin as a way to stress the members on the platform even more, because the coin is only hopping to survive on mass adoption which i didn’t see it happening anytime soon. This will be discussed futher in our video review.

Is qava legit

So far so good in this qava.org review, a lot have been revealed about the platform and I am sure you now know everything about the platform and with the detailed information revealed in the qava review so far, you should know where the platform belongs and have all it takes to classify qava as scam or legit.

Just take qava.org as someone that hurt you twice and come back the third time, treat them to your best capacity of you can treat such person.

Is qava scam

They are have shut down multiple times with peoples fund and I see no reason or whatsoever to waste more time on the platform, but if you know how to handle Ponzi platform, then you can proceed.

Just know that you’re dealing with a high risk ponzi investment platform that can crash at any point in time.

Click here to join qava if you can risk 2000 naira

How to sell qava

Here is another problem that will soon pop up on the platform as times goes on, you cannot sell cava to an outsider unless the person is also on the platform and needs qava coin to upgrade to another level.

The fact outlined above shows clearly that the platform will transfer your qava coin to your balance but if you’re unable to sell it, you won’t get cash.

As at the moment of writing this qava review, the only way to sell qava coin and buy qava coin is peer to peer and this is only within the qava.org members.

The video below explains more about qava and more Insight on qava review.


Conclusion: This qava.org review has provide you with all you need to know about the platform and it’s left for you to take appropriate decision. However, the 2000 naira start up capital is considerably low and won’t be bad idea if you can risk it to get more money and if the platform crashed against you, you accept your faith like that.




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