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Home Free Browsing How To Activate MTN E-learning 500MB Free Browsing Cheat 2023

How To Activate MTN E-learning 500MB Free Browsing Cheat 2023

MTN E-learning 500MB Free browsing cheat

Here is the detailed step by step information on how to activate the latest MTN E-learning 500MB free browsing cheat with the the detailed information on all you need to know about it and how to enjoy it without any form of interruption.

We have recently revealed a detailed information on how to activate daily 100MB on your MTN sim card via stark VPN reloaded and today, I will be giving you the detailed information on how to activate the latest E-learning 500MB free browsing cheat on a daily basis and this will also be archived with the use of the stark VPN reloaded.

You might be wondering what the terms ‘E-learning’ means and what it have to do with MTN free browsing cheat but worry no more, I will give you the detailed overview on what E-learning is and how it can be used for the latest MTN E-learning 500MB free browsing cheat.

About E-learning

E-learning is an education system where interested students learn online and there are many education websites that have provide enough learning materials for students on their platform. On E-learning, you will have access to a lot of education based curriculum, learning contents for primary school students, past questions, coding class and lots more.

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On this note, there are some government E-learning websites that gives you a daily 500MB to enable you surf the website for free and at no extra cost. This implies that everyone that visits the websites have free access to a whopping sum of 500MB on a daily basis, but the data can only be used on the configured E-learning websites.

However, the fact that the data can only be used on E-learning websites is what prompts the latest MTN E-learning 500MB free browsing cheat. This article will show you how to access all websites and app with the data via the use of stark VPN reloaded.

Requirements For MTN E-learning 500MB Free Browsing Cheat

There are one or two things you need to know/have before you can start to enjoy the free browsing cheat to be discussed in this guide. Below shows all it requires;

1. The 500MB E-learning data which can be gotten for free via the instructions to be released in this guide.

2. Little data or airtime to access the E-learning websites to activate your daily free 500MB.

3. Stark VPN Reloaded. This is the app we will be using to power all app and websites with the free E-learning data.

4. Few moments to follow the instructions to be provided in this guide carefully.

How To Activate MTN E-learning 500MB Free Data

The first step required to enjoy the free browsing is to activate the E-learning 500MD free data and after which it has been activated, you can now connect your VPN to access the internet with the data. Simply follow the instructions below:

  • Visit schoolgate.ng or mobileclassroom.com.ng this is the reasons why you need small data or airtime to access the website in the first place.
  • Surf through the website for few seconds/minutes and you will receive a notification saying you have received free 500MB from MTN to browse selected E-learning sites.
  • Once you get the notification, you can exit the E-learning site and proceed to the next step.
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MTN E-learning 500MB tweak

How To Access All Website And Apps With The MTN E-learning 500MB Free Data

After getting the free 500MB as explained in the just concluded part above, simply download the stark VPN reloaded or open it if you have it installed on your phone already. Open the stark VPN reloaded and click on the second rectangular box at the top of the app homepage, scroll down to locate MTN E-learning 500MB and select it.

If you can’t find the option stated above, kindly click on the three white lines at he top left corner of the app and scroll down to locate update tweaks, click on it and go back to tweak menu, the MTN E-learning 500MB will be added. Once you have Select it, click on the big red icon and wait for it to connect. Once it connects, the red icon will change to green and the connecting button will change to connected.


Once it connects, you can now minimize the app and start surfing the internet for free.

What You Must Know About The MTN E-learning 500MB Free Browsing Cheat

1. The free 500MB is on a daily basis and once you exhaust the 500MB today, you can refresh tomorrow and enjoy another free 500MB.

2. To get the free 500 MB everyday, you will need to follow the instructions stated in the 500MB(How To Activate MTN E-learning 500MB Free Data) activation section.

3. The data can be used to access all app and websites if you followed the instructions carefully.

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4. If you don’t have little data to browse the site for the 500mb activation but have small airtime, simply dial *131*200# to be able to browse with your airtime.

5. To stop browsing with airtime, simply dial *131*201#.



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