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Home Free Browsing List Of Working MTN Free Browsing Cheat For All Countries 2023

List Of Working MTN Free Browsing Cheat For All Countries 2023

complete lists of working mtn free browsing cheat

Compilation Of The Latest And Working MTN Free Browsing Cheat For September 2020


Complete list of working MTN free browsing Cheat for 2020
Working MTN Cheat

List of working MTN Free browsing cheat is a special article the compiles more than one MTN free browsing cheat that are still working at the present moment and will give you the opportunity to explore the working cheat directly without having to move from on update to another before seeing the working ones.

I decided to pull out this guide after receiving some questions in the past few weeks which mostly requesting for which MTN VPN cheat is still working and I am very sure that many individuals out there will be willing to get this fact right before exploring the MTN data cheat we have previously made available for you guys.

Today, I am going to hand pick the working ones out of the previous MTN Free internet Cheat we have made available for you guys and I will drop it here with proper modification.

If you have been finding it difficult to Know which of this MTN Free browsing codes are still working and which are not, then we have got you covered in this guide as I am going to list the working ones out right here.

Also, the working MTN free browsing cheat to be dropped in this article is going to cover different countries and not Nigeria only, so, be it you’re from Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa and likes, just grab a cup of coffee and relax, you’re going found something amazing on this page so far your internet provider is MTN.

Without further ado, let’s start with the Cheat to be the first on the list as I can perceive your hurriedness already, but you still have to calm down and read carefully so as bro enjoy the post to it’s fullest.


Requirements For The Working MTN Free Browsing Cheat

1. Your smart phone.

2. MTN Sim card without data to enjoy the MTN 0.0kb free browsing cheat.

3. Considerably strong Internet connection for Swift experience while surfing the net.

4. Your 100% attention to read and implement the Instructions to be provided in this article correctly.

Now that you have all the requirements being mentioned above, explore the lists below and choose the one that is best for you.


MTN VPN Cheat Via Stark VPN Reloaded Settings


stark vpn reloaded free browsing settings
Stark VPN Reloaded

Stark VPN reloaded settings has been released to our followers some months ago and I am glad to inform you that the cheat is still working smoothly without any interruption.

Stark VPN reloaded connects faster and also ensure a very stabled connection until you exceed your daily data limit and does this save you from the stress of getting interrupted while surfing the net.

As at now, I am sure that almost everyone know that the Stark VPN reloaded is caped at 50MB per day, which implies that once you use a sum of 50MB per day, the VPN will be disconnected an you have to wait for the following day to enjoy another session of 50MB free data cheat.

But guess what?

In this guide, I am going to give you the simple logic on how you can use more than 50MB on a daily basis with this app and without stress.


Requirements For Internet Cheat Via Stark VPN Reloaded

1. MTN Sim card without data.

2. An Android phone that have access to download and install an Android application.

3. Stark VPN reloaded. Download it here.

4. The instructions below.

Stark VPN Reloaded Settings

• Click here to download and install the Stark VPN reloaded.

• Open the app after installation.

• Check the top of the app homepage and you will see a box labeled with tweaks, tap on the box and select MTN 50MB daily from the lists of the tweak being displayed to you.

• Now tap on the red icon on the app homepage to prompt it for connection, wait for 5 to 10secs for the app to connect and the reed icon will change to green as shown in the picture above.

• You can now minimize the app and start surfing the internet without interruption till you exceed your Daily limit, which is said to be 50MB.

How To Use More Than 50MB With Stark VPN Reloaded

Yes! I remember mentioning that, I will give you the simple logic to use more than 50MB with the Stark VPN reloaded and which is what I am about to show you right now.

As I have said earlier, the trick involved here is just a simple logic, which is by having more than one MTN Sim card as the app can be used multiple times in a day on a single device.

READ ALSO  How To Send Free SMS On MTN Via MyMTN App

Let’s use two MTN Sim cards as an example, let say you are having two MTN Sim card, then the process is as simple as; use the first aim card, connect the app appropriately and after exhausting your 50MB daily limit on the first sim card, you will switch to the second sim card and use another 50MB making it a whopping sum of 100MB for that day. Now, imagine having more than two Sim cards.

Now that you have grabbed the logic involved in using more than that stipulated data for a daily basis, follow the instructions below to switch from one sim card to the other without stress.

• after which you have exhaust the 50MB on the first sim card, open the app, by this the app should have been disconnected automatically.

• Now, check the right top corner of the app and click bon the three white dots at the top right corner and click on exit.

• Remove the app from the background running app and switch to the Sim card that you haven’t use for that day.

• Connect the app again and enjoy another rounds of free 50MB.

• Repeat the steps if you have more than two MTN Sim cards and enjoy!

This works For Nigerians Only!

You can click here to read our previous article on this same VPN, for now, let’s move to the next Cheat to be listed here.

However, the stark reloaded free browsing cheat data cap has been increased to 100MB per session and for better understanding on how the update goes, we have provide a detailed guide about the changes and how to set it up for the new data cap, read it via stark VPN latest version.

MTN 0.0k Free Browsing Cheat Via Tweakware VPN


tweakware free browsing cheat settings
Tweakware VPN

Tweakware VPN has been in existence for a very long time, though it’s not been long that we put up a complete guide on how to use it for the purpose of MTN Free browsing and it’s still working till this present moment.

Tweakware VPN also works with the same principle as the one we just finished discussing above but with some little different and moreover, I am going to give y two valid ways to set this VPN for the same purpose.

Note that, you cannot use the tweakware VPN and Stark together, the best thing is to explore the two and choose the one that is best for you.

Now let’s go!

Requirements For MTN Free Internet Cheat Via Tweakware VPN

1. MTN Sim card without data.

2. An Android phone that have access to download and install an Android application.

3. Tweakware VPN. Download it here.

4. The instructions below.

Tweakware Settings For MTN Free Internet Access

• Click here to download and install the tweakware VPN.

• Open the app and click on the rectangular box on the app homepage.

• The lists of the available tweak will be displayed to you.

• Simply scroll down and locate MTN 0.0kb free.

•  about 4 MTN 0.0kb free sever will be displayed to you, The MTN 0.0kb available are as follows;

New MTN Ng 0.0kb Free 1

New MTN Ng 0.0kb Free 2

Updated MTN Ng 0.0kb Free 3

Updated MTN Ng 0.0kb Free 4

• Select any of the free server and the app will take you back to the homepage automatically. I recommend New MTN Ng 0.0kb Free as it’s the one that works best.

• Now Click on the connect but and wait for the app to connect.

• Once it connects, the connect button will change to disconnect.

Now, Minimize the app and star surfing the internet for free.


Did you found any of the steps in setting up the tweakware VPN, don’t panic we have gat you covered, just click here for detailed illustrative Instructions on how to set it up.

If you didn’t forget, I told you that I am going to teach you how to set the app in two ways but I am not talking about it anymore don’t worry, it’s because we have once provide the detailed information on how to set it in the guide outlined below.

So, Click here for the way to set up tweakware using config file with pictorial illustration on how to Import the config file without problem.


The above guide works for Nigerians only!

Now, lets move to the next method on the list of working MTN free browsing cheat for 2020.


MTN Free Browsing Cheat For South Africa


MTN free browsing cheat for south Africa
South Africa data Cheat

I am glad to welcome all South Africans reading this guide to this section as this section is going to gat you covered.

The free data Cheat to be discussed in this article is meant for individuals who reside in South Africa and own a South Africa MTN Sim card.

The above line clearly implies the only South Africans are eligible for the MTN cheat to be revealed in this section, but don’t panic if you’re from Ghana as your own trick is right after this one.

The amazing part of this South Africa free browsing cheat is that, it’s unlimited and you can surf the internet non-stop with the help of the trick to be revealed in this guide.

Though I have previously created an article on how you can be getting free 100MB with your MTN Sim card on a daily basis, but it has been updated and it’s now unlimited as I said.

READ ALSO  MTN APN Settings For Fast Browsing

Without further ado, let’s just move straight to how you can go about it and enjoy the MTN megabyte Cheat to it’s fullest


Requirements For MTN Megabyte Cheat For South Africa

Below are all you need to be getting unlimited Megabytes on your MTN South Africa sim card every day.

1. MTN South Africa Sim card.

2. The sim card shouldn’t have any active data. This is completely 0.0kb internet Cheat

3. 24clan VPN Lite. Download it here.

4. Some moments to read the few steps below.


How To Activate MTN South Africa Free Browsing Cheat

•  Click here to download and Install the 24clan VPN Lite.

• Open the app after installation and click on direct in the box at the top of the app homepage.

• Now, scroll down and locate SA| MTN 100MB Daily and click on it.

• Return back to the homepage and hit the big green icon to connect the app.

• Wait for few seconds for the app to connect.

• Now Minimize the app and start surfing the internet for free.

While reading this list of working MTN free browsing cheat, I told you that this cheat is no longer capped at 100MB per day and with the settings I revealed above, you will be disconnected once you exhaust your daily 100MB, but don’t panic, below is how it goes.

If you check the list of free server available for South Africa, you will discovered that they are more than one and this is where the opportunity comes in.

Below are the lists of Free servers available for South Africa.

SA| MTN 100MB Day 1

SA| MTN 100MB Day 2

SA| MTN 200MB Daily

SA| MTN 500MB Day 1

SA| MTN 500MB Day 2

With the list of free server above, you have the opportunity to use three different servers bon a daily basis in such a way that you will use;

SA| MTN 100MB Day 1

SA| MTN 200MB Daily

SA| MTN 500MB Day 1

On a daily basis basis and use

SA| MTN 100MB Day 3

SA| MTN 200MB Daily

SA| MTN 500MB Day 2

On a daily basis as well.

Now the simple logic behind this is that, once you exhaust one daily data allowance, disconnect the app, Select another server, Connect again  and continue browsing for free.

It’s as simple as that, if you don’t get anything clearly, Click here for detailed step by step guide with pictures for better understanding.



Ghana 0.0kb MTN Free Browsing Cheat


free browsing cheat for Ghana
Ghana free browsing

I am glad to welcome all Ghananians reading this guide to this section as this section is going to gat you covered.

The free data Cheat to be discussed in this section is meant for individuals who resides in Ghana and own a Ghana MTN Sim card.

The above line clearly implies the only Ghananians are eligible for the MTN cheat to be revealed in this section.

In this section, I will be revealing the detailed instructions on how to enjoy free internet access on a daily basis with your MTN Ghana sim card and this section is going to be short and brief.

Without further ado, let see the the requirements needed for this Ghana free browsing Cheat.


Requirements For MTN Ghana Free Internet Cheat

1. MTN Ghana sim card without data or Airtime.

2. 24clan VPN Lite. Download it here.

3. Your Android device with internet access.

4. Some moments to read the few steps below.


How To Activate MTN Ghana Free Data Cheat

1. Click here to download the  24Clan VPN Lite.

2. Install and open the app, then click on direct at the top box on the app homepage.

3. Select any of the Ghana free sever.

GH|MTN 50MB Daily 1

GH|MTN 50MB Daily 2

You can select any of the free servers, either 1 or 2.

4. Navigate back to the app homepage and click on the big green icon.

5. Wait for few seconds for the app to connect.

6. Once it’s connected, Minimize the app and start surfing the internet at no cost.

Note that the app is capped at 50MB per day, this implies that once you use up to 50MB on a daily basis, you will be disconnected.

You can also click here to read the complete step by step instructions on how to set the VPN up with illustration.



Samsung max VPN Settings For MTN Free Browsing


Samsung max VPN settings for free browsing
Samsung max VPN

Samsung max VPN settings has been released some months ago and some claims is not working while many says they are still enjoying it.

But the fact remains that the Samsung max VPN settings that was released earlier is still working smoothly, provided that you followed the provided instructions appropriately and this implies that the Cheat I going to be added to this list of working MTN free browsing Cheat as at the moment of writing this article.

If you have tried using the Samsung max VPN before and it seems not to be working for you, then you should relax and read the instructions again or better still, go for the other available options as it’s one of the aim of creating this guide.

This implies that if one doesn’t work for you, another one will does, but every Cheat on the list are working perfectly depending on how you are able to read, digest and follow the provided instructions.

We all know that opera news has been sponsoring and still continue to sponsor free 50MB browsing session on a daily basis but the free data can only be used on opera browser only. But with the help of the Samsung max VPN, you will be able to use the free 50MB on all browsers and to access all websites with apps at the same time.

READ ALSO  MTN Cheap Data Plans: How To Get 20GB And 30GB At Cheaper Price On MTN

The amazing part of this is that everyone is eligible for the data, so far you are using MTN Sim card, you have the access to the 50MB every day but just that you can’t use it to access all browsers.

The line stated above is what prompt this article and I am going to reveal in detailed steps, how you can access all websites and app with opera daily free 50MB.

Without further ado, let’s move to the steps involved in setting up the Samsung max VPN for MTN megabytes cheat.


Requirements For Samsung max VPN Data Cheat

1. MTN Sim card without data.

2. Samsung Max VPN. Click here to download.

3. Few minutes to read the steps in this guide.

Samsung Max VPN Settings For MTN Opera Data Cheat

Now that you have all the requirements for the free browsing via Samsung Max VPN, follow the steps below to gat started:
• Click here to download the latest the Samsung Max VPN (latest version).


•Click here to download the previous version of the Samsung Max VPN

Don’t be surprised that I upload two versions of the app, it’s simply because, the latest version of the app works for some people while the previous version works for some people.

So if you installed the latest version listed above and it doesn’t work, just uninstall it and download the previous version. Now let’s proceed to the next step.

• Install and open the app.

• Immediately you open the app, you will see a pop message like “Dear customer, you are now enjoying free 50MB daily browsing session on Opera mini and opera news courtesy of opera”, just click ok and continue.
• You will see a button asking you to upgrade to premium, click on it to upgrade. Don’t worry it’s free.
• Now swipe the mobile data saving and privacy policy options to right or just click on it and the bar will change to green color.

• Now Minimize the app and wait for at least 10 minutes, then start surfing the internet.

• If you use this cheat while on other MTN tariff plans and it refuse to work, just migrate to MTN pulse, just dial *406*1# to migrate to MTN pulse or text 406 to 131.

You can Also click here for detailed instructions with pictures on how to set the Samsung max VPN for free data cheat.

It’s as simple as that, enjoy the offer while it lasts!!

MTN Unlimited Free Data Cheat


MTN unlimited free data cheat
MTN incentive data accumulation

I have written a detailed guide on how you can enjoy unlimited free data on your MTN Sim card some times ago and the method is still working till this present moment. though, it depends on your Referring capability as this can be achieved with the MTN referral incentive bonus.

Today, I am going to brief you on how this MTN unlimited data codes works and how you can get it activated. You can click here to read the complete guide on how this works as this section is going to be the summary of how it actually works.

MTN has introduced the referral program for a very long time and it’s still Blazing till now. The referral program gives you the opportunity to get 200MB for free on every individual you invited to download the MyMTN App and install it successfully.

The normal step involved bin getting this done is by inviting your friends to download the app and install it, but with the trick to be provided bin this guide, you are going be able to accumulate the data with a single mobile e to your own Satisfaction.

Requirements For MTN Free Incentive Data Accumulation

To enjoy this section of the list of working MTN Free browsing cheat, you will strongly need the tools outlined below;

1. Your smart phone.

2. Considerably strong Internet connection.

3. MyMTN App. Download it here.

4. Few moments to read and follow the instructions below.


How To Accumulate MyMTN App Free Data

1. Click here to download the app from play store. You can move to the next step if you have the app installed on your phone already.

2. Lunch the app and sing in with your preferred MTN phone number.

3. On opening the app, you will see a pop up message telling you to invite friends band earn data in return, Click on the invite now button.

4. If you didn’t see any pop up message, don’t panic, just go to the app homepage as locate the small small boxes at the top of the app, swipe to the right till you locate invitation button.

5. Choose the contact you wish to invite if they are on your contact list or type their contact into the provided box if they are not on your contact list and hit the invite now button.

6. Once the invitation is sent successfully, the owner of the number will receive a message instructing him or her to download the MyMTN App and get free 500MB data.

7. Once the person Download the app and Sign in, they will be given a free 500MB worth of data and you will get 200MB as referral bonus.

8. Repeat the steps to refer many contacts and accumulate as Many data as you can.

But wait!

Did you remember I promised to teach you how to accumulate the data on your phone without your referral needing to download the app before you can get your own data, then this article is what you need to read.

As I have mentioned I the beginning of this section on the list of working MTN free browsing cheat, we have previously published an article that explains how this aim can be achieved. Just click here to read the detailed instructions will illustration on how it can be done.

The article also gives you the hint on how to extend the validity period of the data to as long as possible so as to enjoy it to it’s fullest. Click here to read now!


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Thanks for reading and sharing!!!




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