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Home How To's How To Spy On Someone’s WhatsApp Messages With Your Phone

How To Spy On Someone’s WhatsApp Messages With Your Phone

How to spy someone's message on WhatsApp

Here is the complete guide on how you can spy on someone else WhatsApp chats and have access to the chats and other basic features as that of the real user without interrupting their own chats or likes.

How To Spy On Someone’s WhatsApp Messages Via Your Own Mobile Phone

WhatsApp spy has been the most requested app from our readers over the past few months and I am glad to inform you that the app will be released in this article and not only telling you how to download it, but with detailed instructions on how it can be utilized.

If you have been searching for some terms like;

• How to read WhatsApp messages from another Device!

• How to read my girlfriend WhatsApp messages without her knowing.

• How to monitor my son/daughter WhatsApp conversation.

And lots more! I am glad to have you here today, as this article is the best answer for what you have been looking for. Just calm down and read every lines of this article and you’re good to go!

If you are the type that keeps wondering if someone can read your WhatsApp messages without you knowing, then the answer is yes! And the trick is what you’re about to learn right here.

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Brief Overview Of WhatsApp Spy And What It Does

WhatsApp spy is a mobile application that allows you spy on someone’s WhatsApp messages using WhatsApp web dialogue integration tool.

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With the WhatsApp spy app to be shared in this article, you will be able to have full access to the WhatsApp sent and received messages of someone else right on your own mobile phone.

Many parents wants to ensure that their kids, son’s and daughters remain safe, so they tends to feel the urge to know what and how the people under their supervision utilizes the social media app (WhatsApp), and truly, it is the full responsibility of parents to maintain their kids, son’s and daughters security.

On the other hand, many individuals are willing to know what their girlfriends/boyfriend’s are up to, by sneaking into their conversation without leaving traces. Lol!

All in all, let’s dive into the detailed guide on how you can spy on someone’s WhatsApp messages right on your phone.


Requirements To Spy Someone’s WhatsApp Messages

1. WhatsApp Spy app (Scan pro) that I am going to released in this article. You can download it here.

2. Access to the victim phone phone for just a second or two.

3. Your own mobile phone.

4. Internet connection.

5. Few moments to read the instructions below accordingly.

How To Spy On Someone’s WhatsApp Messages

1. Simply click here to download WhatsApp spy pro from our telegram channel. It might attract a price/fee somewhere else, but it’s completely free on browsingtechzone.


2. Install the app and lunch(open) the app.

3. Upon lunching(opening) the app, you will see a start button, Click on it and you will be redirected to the page shown in the picture above.

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4. The next thing is to click bon the whatscan as shown in the picture above, but don’t click on it yet, Check the step 5 below first.

5. This is the time to get the victim Phone ready, you won’t hold it for long, two seconds is enough if you’re smart enough.

WhatsApp web

6. Now that you have the victim Phone ready, open his or her WhatsApp account and click on the three white dots at the top right corner of the.

7. Click on WhatsApp web as shown in the picture above and a scanner will appear.

8. Once the scanner appear, pick your own phone and click on the whatscan as shown in the picture in step 2/3.

9. Upon Clicking on whatscan button, a QR code will appear as shown in the picture above.

10. Kindly scan the code with the victim Phone, remember that the QR code scanner is active on the victim Phone before you prompt the whatscan on your on phone to bring the code to be scanned.

11. Once you place the scanner on the code appropriately, it will accept it and boom! You can now return the victim phone.

12. You victim WhatsApp has been cloned successfully, you can now have access to all their messages and even reply chats if you choose.

Is there any pert of the guide that isn’t clear to you? We have prepared a detailed video guide to help you in setting up everything and be able to spy your target WhatsApp messages with any stress, watch the video below.

READ ALSO  How To Secure Your WhatsApp Account


Disclaimer: This guide is published for educational purposes only and browsingtechzone will not be responsible for which ever way you utilize the app.

Should you think that you need to beef up your WhatsApp security after reading this guide, then we have gat you covered!

Simply Click here to see how you can activate finger print security feature on your WhatsApp and here for steps on how to prevent your WhatsApp account from all forms of attack.


Don’t forget to join our Telegram channel to get latest updates from browsingtechzone.
Let us know what you think about this tutorial by dropping your thoughts in the comment box below.
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Thanks for reading and sharing!!!


  1. I’ve installed the app successfully from the telegram group but if I click on the start button, the app will close in its own. What should I do?

  2. The link device/whatsapp web on whatsapp is now difficult o
    As we don’t have the person password
    Because they now request for finger print or password, before we can scan
    How do we do it
    Is there any trick to get there phone password


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