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Home Free Browsing How To Get Free 2GB On MTN And Accumulate Up To 10GB...

How To Get Free 2GB On MTN And Accumulate Up To 10GB And More

how to get free 2gb data on mtn

 How To Get Free 2GB Worth Of  Data On MTN And Accumulate Unlimitedly

MTN Free Data Accumulation

Here is another complete guide on how you can get free data on MTN and accumulate unlimited till you are completely satisfied with the volume of data you have got on your phone.

If you have been following us for a while, you will remembered that we recently compiled some some free internet surfing tricks for you and which many individuals find it helpful from the very first moment we published it till this present moment.

However, the compilation I am referring to, in the just concluded line above require a VPN an most of them are caped at just 50MB per day, but today, I will be revealing the kinds of free data cheat that do always available once in a while, this will allows you to accumulate any volume of data of your choice and enables you to surf the internet without any form of restriction.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the detailed step by step guide on on how you can get this free data accumulated on your device.

let’s go!

Requirements For The MTN Free Data Accumulation

1. MTN sim card

2. The sim can have data or no data, any MTN sim card will fit in

3. The instructions that will be outlined below.

How To Accumulate Free 2GB Data On MTN Sim Cards

1. Simply insert your MTN sim card into your phone and proceed with the step two below.

2. Now, open you phone SMS and create a new message.

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3. Type 314587629s and send it to 460

4. You will get an error message.


How The Messages Should
Be Sent



5. Do not bother yourself about the content of the message, just continue sending the command.

6. Continue texting 314587629s to 460

7. By doing this, you are getting the data Accumulated already.

8. Dial *131*4# to check your data balance.

Things To Take Note:

1. Do not concentrate on the response you got after texting the code to the required number, just continue to accumulate.

2. Do not check your balance until you are sure that you should have gotten enough data accumulated.

3. The data is said to be valid for 30days but can be removed at anytime, as soon as they discovered the loop hole.

4. Act fast and follow the instructions accordingly before it get blocked.

5. If you have any question, drop it in the comment section below.



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  1. Because you didn't follow the instructions.

    If you follow the instructions, you should still be on the curse of sending the command repeatedly for the first sim. Not to talk of Even trying two sim cards.


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