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Home Glo How To Transfer Airtime On Glo To Glo Line 2024

How To Transfer Airtime On Glo To Glo Line 2024

How to transfer Airtime on Glo to Glo

If you have been looking for detailed guide on how to transfer Airtime on Glo to Glo, then you have come across one as this guide is going to provide you with all the information you need to know on sending airtime from Glo to Glo line.

Glo network is undoubtedly one of the best internet providers in Nigeria and provide their users with a lot of mouthwatering offers in terms of both airtime and data. The only difficulties you might be experiencing as a Glo user is the network fluctuations as their networks tend to be strong in some areas and relatively weak in some areas.

In our previous guide, we have showed you a little trick to force Glo internet speed to be very fast regardless of how stronger the Glo network connection is in your area and as a result of this, we have been able to help you in eradicating the only problem you might be facing as a Glo users, this will give you the opportunity to enjoy any Glo offer that comes to your way to it’s fullest.

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Today, I have decided to publish this comprehensive guide on how to transfer Airtime on Glo so as to provide solution to which ever problem you might be facing in sending airtime from your existing Glo balance to another Glo line.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the detailed step by step instructions on how to send airtime on Glo.

How To Transfer Airtime On Glo To Glo

The process involved in transferring Airtime on a GLO line is almost the same thing with MTN except that the service provider is different.

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However, Glo has made the process more easier by introducing Glo easy share to their subscribers, this will enable you to transfer Airtime on Glo without any stress.

To transfer Airtime on GLO, you will need to activate your transfer PIN, this is the unique five digits PIN that you will be using to authorize any airtime transfer on Glo and without this PIN, no one will be able to transfer Airtime on your sim card.

So, in other to transfer Airtime on Glo to Glo, the first step you will need to take here is to activate your transfer PIN. Don’t worry, this guide will show you how to do that without any form of stress.

How To Activate Glo Transfer PIN

All registered Glo sim card have their own default transfer PIN, which is common to all registered Glo sim card and in order to start using the code for Glo airtime transfer, you must change it to a unique PIN that will be known to you alone.

The process involved in activating your transfer PIN on Glo is very simple, you have your Default PIN already and all required of you to start using the PIN is to change the PIN to a unique number. You default Glo transfer PIN in any case is 00000.

How To Change Glo Transfer PIN

As you have known your default PIN to be of five digits PIN which is five zeros respectively, all you have to do now is to Open your phone dial pad and dial *132*default*New PIN*New PIN#

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For example, if you want to use 67895 as your new PIN, your are going to dial *132*00000*67895*67895#. Upon dialing the code, your Glo transfer PIN will be changed to the new one you can now start to be using the Glo easy share transfer service.

How Can I Change My Forgotten Glo Transfer PIN

Just in case you have once activate your Glo transfer PIN but due to one reason or the other, you have forgotten the new PIN you set in the past and will want to send Airtime on Glo to Glo, don’t worry, there is an actual solution to that and you will be able to reset your PIN in just few clicks.

If you want to change your forgotten Glo transfer PIN, all you have to do is to call Glo customer care service, select your preferred language and choose an option to speak with the customer care representative, once a representative picked the call, tell him/her that you have forgotten your Glo transfer PIN and will want it to be reset back to default.

Once the code has been reset back to default, follow the instructions provided in the how to change Glo transfer PIN section to set your new PIN. However, while speaking with the customer care representative, you can as well tell the representative to help you set the new PIN at their own end.

How Can I Change An Existing Glo Transfer PIN

If you have activate your transfer PIN before and you could remember the PIN but will want to change it to another unique PIN due to the fact that you suggest that the PIN might have been compromised or due to a reason that is best known to you, all you have to do is to follow the same process on how to change Glo default transfer PIN to a unique PIN but replacing the default PIN with the old PIN this time around.

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The code you will dial in this case will be in this format; *132*Old PIN*New PIN*New PIN#. For example, if you want to change from 67895 to 56432, the you are going to dial *132*67895*56432*56432#

Now that you have create your new PIN, you’re now eligible to transfer Airtime on Glo to Glo and the detailed instructions on how to do that will be explained right here.

How Can I Transfer Airtime From Glo To Glo

In order to send airtime from Glo to Glo, simply follow the steps by step instructions below as it reveals the USSD code to transferring Airtime on GLO Network.

  1. Open your phone dial pad and dial *131*receiver phone number*amount*PIN#
  2. For example, if you want to transfer N100 to 08166667777 and your PIN is 67895, then, you’re going to dial *132*08166667777*100*67895# and send.
  3. Once you press send, you will receive a confirmation message asking you to confirm the transaction, then enter 1 to confirm the transfer.
  4. Upon confirming the transaction, you will receive a text message will detailed information on the transaction and the receiver will receive the Airtime immediately.

Conclusion: This comprehensive guide has been able to reveal all you need to know on how to transfer Airtime on Glo to Glo Network, after which you have followed the instructions above strictly you will receive a message with your transfer status. With the instructions above, you shouldn’t have any problem in sending airtime from Glo to Glo and even if you forgot your Glo transfer PIN, the detailed solution has been provided.



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