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Home How To's How To Send Free SMS On MTN Via MyMTN App

How To Send Free SMS On MTN Via MyMTN App

Free SMS on MTN
You’re welcome to this guide on how to send free SMS on MTN via MyMTN App.
I am glad to inform you that you can now send up to ten free messages on your MTN sim card via MyMTN app with ease.
The steps involved in sending the stated free messages is very simple and short.

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But before I proceed I will like to drop short description about MyMTN app it usefulness and other areas of application’s of the app, but if you think that you have know everything about this app, you can scrol down to section where the steps involved in sending the free SMS on mtn are discussed.

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Without further ado below are the short descriptions of MyMTN app:

MyMTN app is an app that gives you full control in managing your your phone account , monitor your data usage and subscribes to products and services from your mobile device.

MyMTN app is known to be the smartest way of accessing your MTN services because it’s all in one self care app which gives you full control in managing your phone account .

With MyMTN app, everything is done within a minute which results in reducing the stress involved in carrying out some operations on our mobile phones.

MyMTN app gives you access to manage your account wherever you’re and whenever you feel like, this access includes:

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• Activation of data plans,

• Quick and easy access to voice and data bundle balance

• Easy access to call history and others.

How To Send afree SMS On MTN Via MymMy App

Step 1: Click and open your MyMTN app and if you don’t have any you can easily download it from play store

Step 2: locate more at the bottom of the app home page and click on it.

Step 3: Click on offer and promotion on the next page.

Step 4: then click on send free SMS .

Step 5: Then enter the phone number of the receiver and type your message in the box provided for text and click ok.

You will receive a notification that your message has been submitted to the recipient phone number and that’s all

Below picture shows the pictorial representation of the steps involved in sending the free SMS.

 the pictorial representation of the steps involved in sending the free SMS on MTN.

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  1. Since September 2019!! And you think this is still working?? Alaye, u will just copy post wey you don post like 3 years ago and refresh it without reconfirmation… Well, this is not working again, check your mtn app


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