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How To Know Who Have Read Your Message In A WhatsApp Group Chat

how to know who has read your message in a WhatsApp group

It can sometimes be frustrating when you need a quick response to a question you thrown to a group chat but people tends to neglect the message and act as if they didn’t see the message.

Sometimes, you might host a group discussion and be confused if anyone of your members are online due to the fact that no one is responding to your messages or few are responding among an audience that can be considered to be large or moderately large.

But guess what? You members or whoever it might be are reading your messages but decided to keep mute. Lol!

Today, I will give you the detailed information on how to know the people that have read your messages and those that are yet to read the message but it has been delivered to them.

With this guide, you’re going to know how to check the information of your sent messages in just two clicks as it’s very simple and easier.

Without wasting much of your time, follow the instructions below for detailed information on how to check who have read your messages in a group chat and who have not.

How To Check WhatsApp
Message Info
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How To Check WhatsApp Sent Messages Information In a Group Chat

We all know that WhatsApp is if two main categories, which are; normal WhatsApp and WhatsApp business. However, both versions of the WhatsApp have a slight different in the way in which ones can check the information if a sent messages.
But, don’t panic, I am going to explain using both versions as an example.
Let’s go!
• To check the names of those that have read your messages in a group chat via normal WhatsApp:
1. Open your WhatsApp and navigate to the targeted group chat.
2. Locate the chat you’re willing to check and highlight it by long pressing the specific message.
3. Now, click on the three white dots at the top right corner of the app as shown in the picture above.
4. Then, select info and boom, The list will be displayed to you.
WhatsApp Business
Message Info
• To check the names of those that have read your messages in a group chat via WhatsApp business:
1. Open your WhatsApp Business and navigate to the targeted group chat.
2. Locate the chat you’re willing to check and highlight it by long pressing the specific message.
3. Now, click on the info icon at the top of the app as shown in the picture above and boom, The list will be displayed to you.
Below is an example of what you’re going to see;
Message Insight
From the picture above, you will clearly see that the information displayed is two, which are;
1. Read by: This are the people that have seen your message.
2. Delivered to: This are those that have received the message but are yet to read.
That’s all on how to check the information of the messages you sent to a group chat and know who sees the messages and who does not.
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Thanks for reading and sharing!!!


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