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Home How To's How To Download Instagram Videos On Android

How To Download Instagram Videos On Android

how to download instagram videos on android

Best ways to download Instagram videos to ones phone gallery has been causing a lot of controversial amongst the popular social media platform (Instagram) users.

As Instagram is popularly known to be a visual platform where only visual materials are being used, unlike other social platforms like, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn and others, which allows it’s users to utilize both of text and video and images, depending on the user mood as at the moment of uploading the story or status.

Complete Step by step guide on how to download Instagram videos on Android Phone

As a result of Instagram being photo and video sharing social platform, it’s obvious that many individuals will will come across one or two videos which they will intend to save to their gallery for later watch and for pleasure purpose when they are free offline.

The fact outlined above was what prompts me to put together some self explanatory steps on how to download Instagram video or image and save to your gallery for later watch.

If you have been using Instagram for aa while, you will surely know that there is no option anywhere around the Instagram app or web, that will allow you to download any video of your choice to your gallery for later watch.

You can Also Read:

> How To Download YouTube Videos Directly To Your Phone Gallery.

> Best Way To Download Any Facebook Video To Your Phone Gallery

Today, I am going to reveal to you, how to download any Instagram videos of your choice to your phone gallery in two ways.

I decided to reveal two methods, in which this same mission can be accomplished so as to increase the flexibility of the activities, in such a way that you can go through the both methods to be discussed in this article and stick with the one that best works for you.

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The above line implies that if you have been searching for a way to download Instagram video to your gallery, then search no more, as this article is surely the solution to the problem you’re having.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the detailed steps on how to download any Instagram video or images and save bit to your gallery for offline watch.

As I have stated above, I am going to reveal two methods that will enable you to download Instagram video and images to your gallery and non of them required login access.

I have get to know that many Instagram videos downloaders always required you to login to your Instagram account via the app, which many individuals feel unsafe about it.

Let’s leave the fact that login into your account via those apps are save or not, sof there are other ways you can get the job done without granting any access, then I will rather save time and go for the option that many individuals considered safe.

Let’s go!

How To Download Instagram Videos On Android Without Installing Any App

Follow the instructions below and you will be able to download any Instagram video to your gallery I few clicks without stress;

Copying video Link

1. Open your Instagram app or web and scroll to any video of your choice.

2. Check the top right corner of the video and you will see three white dots there, click bon the three white dots as shown in the picture above.

Click on copy link
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3. After which you have clicked on the three white dots, four options will be displayed to you, select copy link and click on it as shown on the picture above.

4. Now that you have copied the link to the video, click here to go to downloadinstagramvideos.net

Pate the copied link

5. Upon clicking on the link in the step 4 above, you will be redirected to the page shown in the picture above, now paste the link to the video which you have copied in the step 3 above into the box.

6. Once you have paste the link into the box, Click on the button that says Download Instagram Video and you will be redirected to the page shown below.

Video is ready

7. Now Click on the three white dots shown in the picture above and the final download button will appear.

Final Download button

8. Now Click on the download button as shown in the picture above and boom! You video will start downloading, you can wait for the downloading process to complete or Minimize the page and continue with your other activities.

Wow! You have grab the detailed guide bon how to download Instagram video on your Android phone without the need of installing any third party app.

Let’s move to the second method!

How To Download Instagram Video and Images With Fast save

This method is the one I considered to be the most simplest and easiest one to download be it image or videos from Instagram.

It’s very simple to use and it works automatically just like an extension, in such a way that you won’t need extra interaction with the app after which you have Activate it. It’s completely automatic.

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But the only problem associated with this method is device compatibility as it seems not to be working with some devices.

Without wasting much of your time, just check how it works out Below and see if it works on your device or not.


How To use fast save app

1. Simply Click here to download fast save app from play store.

2. Once you’re done installing the app, open it and allow all permission requested.

Activate fastsave

3. Upon granting all the permission, you will see a button labeled with fastsave service with a switch in it’s front, toggle the switch to on position to activate fastsave service.

4. Once you have Activate the app, you will see a notification that clearly shows that the app is active.

5. Now minimize and navigate to your Instagram app or web.

6. Once you see a video you will like to download, just copy the link to the video (instructions on how to copy the link to an Instagram video has been discussed in details in the first method).

7. Guess what, once you Click on the copy link button, the download has started already.

8. Once you hit the copy Link button, the video will start downloading automatically, you Don’t need to paste the link anywhere.

9. Same thing is applicable to any picture too, and you can proceed immediately bro another video or image as clearly shown in the picture above.

Wow! You have grab the detailed steps on how to download Instagram video or images in two valid ways and save to gallery for later watch




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