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How To Accept PayPal Payment Without A PayPal Account

How To Accept PayPal Payment Without A PayPal Account

I know the thought of how do I get money from Paypal if I don’t have a PayPal account must have prompt through your min a thousands and more time and this is why I intend to show you the best method on how to accept Paypal payment without a PayPal account.

However, I have as well received multiple input from individuals in the past few days/weeks/months, where some demand for a way to receive PayPal funds without having a PayPal account, while others argued that such development is not possible.

Having taken my time and explore all the possible methods that allows you to receive PayPal payment without an PayPal account, I will be revealing two different methods on how to accept Paypal payment without a PayPal account.

This implies that with or without PayPal account, you will be able to accept Paypal payment from your client or anywhere you intend to receive the PayPal payment from.

About PayPal

PayPal is a payment gateway that allows you to buy, sell, send, receive and explore all in one place. It’s a simple and secure way to get paid back for last night’s takeout, send money to friends who have an account with PayPal, buy and checkout with crypto, manage your bills and more.

With PayPal, you will be able to send and request for Money for free. This implies that you will be able to create money request action and once the recipient accept it, you get money to your PayPal account immediately.

When funded by a bank account or with your PayPal balance, it’s free and secure to send money or ask for it back from friends and family.

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In order to request for Money from friends, all you have to do is just to type a name, email or phone number and PayPal will find the right person for you if they have an account.

Hence, this features of all the features of paypal account allows you to request money quickly and securely from friends or family and personalize your payments.

Accept PayPal Payment Without A PayPal account

How to accept Paypal payment without a PayPal account

As I have said in the previous part of this guide, I am going to provide you with two different effective methods on how to accept Paypal payment without a PayPal account and this is mostly necessary if PayPal account creation is not allowed in your location.

Yes! If you can conveniently create a PayPal account in you location, why will you be looking for a way to get paid via PayPal without a PayPal account? You will simply create one as soon as possible, but since PayPal restrict some countries, the this guide becomes necessary.

Without futher ado, let get started with the first method.

how do I get money from Paypal if I don’t have a PayPal account?

The first method is the use of a trusted PayPal vendor! Yes, this is one of the most effective methods when it comes to accepting PayPal payment without a PayPal account.

Regardless of the country restrictions, some individuals will always get ways to create a valid PayPal account just as browsingtechzone.com shows Nigerians, how to create a verified PayPal account that can send and receive money in Nigeria.

This vendor can be a friend, family or someone you know for business purpose only. But regardless of the relationship between you and the vendor, make sure it’s someone you can trust and know to some extent.

All you have to do in this case is to reach an agreement with them and once everything is Sealed, the person is going to provide you with his or her PayPal account email and you will go ahead to receive the required fund with his/her account. The person will in turn pay you with equivalent amount.

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However, they can decide to choose a payment date that varies as compared to the standard conversion rate that you know.

This method is just like reaching out to someone to help you receive a payment, they will be the intermediary in this case. But once again, make sure you trust them and never trade with just a random person to avoid loosing your funds to scammers.

Second Method: The use of Mypally

PayPal and Mypally seems to match right? Let me show you how this method goes.

In the first method, I made mentioned of an intermediary right? Mypally app is the intermediary here. Indeed, for you to make use of a Payment platform without having account with the platform, you will be doing it via a medium.

About Mypally app

Mypally app is a newly invented app that provides you with the option to buy and sell PayPal funds to Naira.

This implies that this app is only available for Nigerians and should in case you’re reading this guide from another country, kindly make use of the first method revealed in this guide.

myPally offers individual option to sell PayPal funds to Naira and also receive funds from families, friends and loved ones abroad via PayPal.

How do I receive PayPal payment without a PayPal account

How to receive PayPal payment with Mypally app

Simply click here to download Mypally app and register on the app. Complete all the appropriate verification and you will have access to your dashboard on Mypally app.

Once you’re able to access your dashboard, click on sell PayPal funds and you will be provided with futher options. Simply select Personal if you’re sending the funds from a PayPal account with the same details as your myPally profile.

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Select third Party if you’re sending the PayPal funds from third party account.

You will be provided with a valid PayPal account to send the funds to, together with the duration required to make the payment before the action expired.

Once you send the payment to the PayPal email, it will be credited to your Mypally account and you will be able to withdraw the money to your bank account from there.

Important things to take note about Mypally PayPal payment

1. The minimum amount you can receive with Mypally app is $100, don’t send below $100 as there is no provisions for it as at the moment of writing this guide.

2. Be informed that Mypally only accept payments sent via the family and friends option in PayPal. If you’re operating a business PayPal account and you don’t have option to send via family and friends (FnF) kindly Don’t send.

3. The duration of Mypally payment can vary from minutes to hours but within 24hrs except in some cases when PayPal reviews payment for 24hrs. In such cases, there will be an extension in payment duration.

4. Make sure you’re in control of the PayPal account you’re sending the payment from, should Incase anything goes wrong and Mypally customer service become irresponsive, you will be able to initiate a charge back at the appropriate time.


Having walked you through a detailed information on how to accept Paypal payment without a PayPal account, you will agree with me that it’s very possible to receive PayPal funds without having a PayPal account and with the Detailed information revealed in this guide, you should be able to receive PayPal money even when you’re unable to create a PayPal account.

However, make sure you apply all the cautious indicated in this guide and don’t go ahead to use any of the method unless you have read the guide carefully and fully understand all the instructions contained in the guide.



  1. Please sir can’t the mypally app receive business funds, 50 to 80% of online paying websites use paypal and cashing out with paypal is one of the biggest problems for online workers and freelancers in Nigeria. Sir please help me.


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