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Home Android Apps Vbank App – Everything You Need To Know About VFD Bank

Vbank App – Everything You Need To Know About VFD Bank

Vbank App - Everything You Need To Know About VFD Bank

Vbank app which is also known as VFD Bank is a digital banking that allows you to enjoy a streamlined digital and mobile banking experience, with ease of access to your accounts, swift and secure transfers, withdrawals and bill payments.

Browsingtechzone have previously introduced this amazing digital banking system to it’s user’s on it’s social media handle and a lot of individuals that create an account with vfd bank at that moment are seamlessly enjoying it now and Even recommending it to others.

Today, I have decided to put my pen on paper and give you Detailed explanation on how the vbank app works, how to create and maintain a standard bank account at the comfort of your room and especially, revealed to you, the features of the app and Detailed information about each features.

About vbank app

As it has been stated in the previous part of this guide, VFD Bank is a digital wallet Like kuda bank, the amazing part of this digital wallet is the ability to perform transactions a zero charges, get interest in your savings, ability to fully monitor your account from home and lots more.

With the vfd Bank app, you can request for a physical ATM card and it will be delivered to your doors step and in case you don’t want a physical card, you can actually create a virtual card and have instant access to it right from your user dashboard.

Features of VFD Bank

There’s a lot of features on the vbank app that makes it stand out amongst the other and believe me, having a vbank account is like having a second bank account as that of your local Bank account, but the difference is that you have full control on vfd Bank account and most especially, you won’t be charged for transactions and as a result of this, you will be able to safe more.

In this section, I will outline all the basic features of the vbank app and the detailed information each features, so as to provide you with the full insight of how the app works and how to use it without any form of issue.

VFD account registration - how to open a vfd account

1. Open an instant account without any paperwork

As I have said in the previous part of this guide, vbank is fully digitalized and you will be able to do everything at the comfort of your home, making banking more fun and versatile, seamless and social with vfd Bank multiple banking channels designed to deliver the revolution of digital banking right at your fingertips.

To Open a vbank account, all you have to do is to follow the instructions below:

Simply download VFD Bank app from Google play store and if you’re an iOS user, download the vbank app from the apple store.

Install and open the app, then click on the create account button, enter your phone number (make sure it’s the phone number linked to your BVN), your date of birth and most importantly, your referral code which is BGCMK

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Whenever you’re ready For your VBANK account registration and you’re asked for referral code, always input BGCMK as your referral code.

Click on the Continue button, and verify your account with BVN or use an existing bank account to complete the verification if you don’t want to use BVN (Both method are completely safe). Verify your address and complete other verification required.

Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉,  you have successfully open a vbank account!

Here is the Download link for Android user

Here is the Download link for iPhone user

Referral code:  BGCMK

2. 100% free

Zero charge policy on all transactions is in of the amazing features that makes the vfd Bank a great deal for individuals that have interest in creating a digital wallet and Also tired of unnecessary charges imposed on them by their respective banks.

With the vbank app, you will be able to say goodbye to needless charges and enjoy zero charges on all transactions to all banks. With vbanking, there’s No strings, no hidden fees.

3. Earn interest on your savings

Earning interest is another feature of the vbank app, with your VFD Bank account, you will be able to get interest on your savings on a monthly basis and with this feature, you will be able to get significant returns on your savings instead of it sitting in your account without increment.

4.V Debit Card That Serves As Easy to Use Payment Channel

As it has been stated in the previous part of this guide that you will have access to a physical card when you create a vbank account, in this section, I will provide you with everything you need to know about the v card and how you can use it.

Make withdrawals

The V card is useful for making withdrawals and deposits, transferring funds between accounts, and checking account balances. It is as well useful for making purchases online and at most retail stores or any merchant that allows payment via ATM cards.

The Verified debit card is a product of V Bank, which is  launched as a payment solution to enable it’s user’s to make payments from their accounts. Currently, it’s issued on Verve cards to requesting customers. The card simply acts as a channel for transactions via ATMs, POS machines, and other online/web payments. And it’s amazing to know that the V card can be used in at least 23 other African countries..

Pay your utility bills

The v card can be used for bills payment, be it your electricity bill, cable TV bill, association dues, water bills, etc., your V card will help you make payments on all these consumer services. Again, locate the nearest ATM kiosk or POS terminal, be ready with your PIN and you won’t have to spend hours standing in the scorching sun to make your utility bill payments.

Make Online Purchases

Making online purchase is one of the main reasons while a lot of people will pick interest in having an ATM card and I am sure you will be wondering if the v card will be useful for online transactions. The good news is that, making online purchases is even more easier with a V card as it is generally accepted almost in all major online stores and merchants.

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Unlike purchases at a checkout counter, online purchases will be processed as a “credit” transaction, and funds will be deducted from your account.

Besides, you can spend whatever amount of money you stored on the card. Once the balance is used up, you can reload the card online or at an ATM, a participating store, or other physical location.

V card is easy to get

Getting your V Card is so easy and simple. You can make a request for the debit card via the V bank app or via filling physical forms or even from the V-chat banking (i.e., VFD Bank WhatsApp Banking service).

VFD USSD Code - vfd transfer code

5. VFD USSD Code *5037#

As other banks, vfd Bank also allows it users to carry out all basic transactions on this account Via the use of it’s USSD code and in this section, I am going to provide you with everything you can do with the use of the vfd USSD code.

The vfd USSD code is *5037 and by dialing the code,  you will be able to Buy Airtime, Pay Bills, School Fees, Betting, and many more transactions that have never  been this easier and hassle-free before. With the vfd Bank digital wallet evolution, you can now perform financial transactions and many more from the comfort of your home or anywhere.

The VBank USSD shortcode is designed to deliver the revolution of digital banking right at your fingertips, while at the same time making banking more fun, seamless, and versatile.

Remarkably, you don’t need to have data on your phone to start enjoying this service, and it can work on any type of phone- be it android and iOS devices ranging from Samsung, iPhone, and Tecno.

With the *5037# code, you can carry out financial transactions on the mobile number connected to your VBank account, like sending money to another account holder, buying airtime for yourself or any other person, performing withdrawals, and checking your account balance.

Also, you can make cardless withdrawals, create/reset/change a transaction PIN and Set up your debit card pin.

VFD USSD code to buy Airtime

The airtime purchase via the use of USSD code is open to all VBank account holders and in order to use the service, the phone number must be registered with the bank.

Service is open to MTN, Glo, Etisalat, and Airtel subscribers and the amazing part of it is that the service is available to use 24 hours every day.

The transaction can be done outside and within Nigeria and doesn’t require data to use the service

To recharge your phone number with airtime using vfd USSD code, all you have to do is to dial *5037*Amount#. For example, if you want to recharge N2000, dial *5037*2000#, and send.

And to recharge other people’s phone numbers with airtime, simply dial *5037*Phone Number*Amount#  For example, if you want to recharge N2000, dial *5037*08198763585*2000# and send.

Why Do I need to buy Airtime with vfd USSD code

USSD airtime recharge option can come in very handy when traveling, in a new location, and/or when in need of an urgent top-up for either data or voice calls.

The use of the vfd USSD code is far better than the regular quick teller option requiring an internet connection or going to the ATM centers to top-up your airtime.

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Another amazing thing about using the USSD method for airtime top-us is that you can do this with a feature phone and from the comfort of your home.

It is completely free, reliable, and secured as it is linked to the mobile phone number that your bank account is linked to.

VFD customer care

The vfd customer care service should be the first thing to come to your mind whenever you have issue with your account as they have provide you with support means via a lots of channel and in this section, I am going to provide you with some channels with which you can reach vfd customer care service for help or enquiry whenever you need one.

Vfd customer care Whatsapp number: 08091111463

VFD customer care number for call: +234 1 227 1396

VFD customer service email: [email protected]

Vfd customer care service twitter handle: https://twitter.com/vbankng

Vfd customer care service Instagram handle: https://www.instagram.com/vbankng/

Vfd Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/vbankng

VFD Bank account Registration

Vbank account registration is very simple and easy and in just few minutes, you will be done with your account set up and have full access to your VBANK account.

All you have to do is to download the vbank mobile app, the mobile application enables you to create an account either by using an existing BVN number or an existing bank account number.

Here is the Download link for Android user

Here is the Download link for iPhone user

Referral code:  BGCMK

If you intend to open your vbank account With Your BVN Number all you have to do is to download the vbank app from above, install and open the app

Enter phone number, check the box attached to the  ‘my BVN-linked phone number’ Enter BGCMK in the space provided for referral code and Click continue

Select BVN linked number option, enter OTP sent to BVN number via SMS, enter email address, set password, confirm password and click on the continue button.

Now, take a photo or select photo for photo validation by Allowing VFD bank to take pictures and record video, take the picture and click ‘send a photo of face’. Create 4 digit PIN

after creating the four digita, you will get ‘your account has been created successfully’ notification and as well as a welcome message via email

Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉,  you have successfully open a vbank account!

How to fund your VFD Bank account

After which you have successfully create your VFD Bank account, the next thing is to fund your account and in order to do this, all you have to do is to login to your account and click on fund account. Select your preferred method and follow the prompts to complete the deposit transactions.

The three methods with which you can add funds to your VBANK account is by USSD code, ATM card and direct transfer.

Immediately you complete your account registration, an account number will be given to you and you can use it to send money to you VFD Bank account at anytime. The name of the bank is vfd microfinance bank.

In order to transfer money from your VFD account to another bank account, buy Airtime and data, pay bills and others, all you have to do is to login to your account, click on the appropriate Option and follow the prompts to complete the initiated transaction.

Conclusion: Vfd Bank is a very good digital wallet that you should try out and with the detailed information revealed on this guide, you should have fully understand how the app works and how to use it for your daily transactions.

How to become a vbank agent and earn between N30,000 to N2,000,000 monthly




  1. Do they run a referral program and is it possible to open Vbank acct with an existing acc number and also bvn?(more like having 2 account with Vbank)?


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