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Home Free Browsing Glo Unlimited Free Browsing Cheat 2023

Glo Unlimited Free Browsing Cheat 2023

Glo Unlimited Free Browsing Cheat

Glo unlimited free browsing cheat for may is the latest free browsing cheat that allows you to browse the internet for free and without any data cap.

The Glo free browsing cheat that we previously  released has stopped working for a while now and a lot of individuals have been requesting for an alternative since the previous method stopped working.

However, in our endeavor to make internet access easier for everyone, we have found a new method that works for all Glo users with moderate internet speed.

We all know that the the major issue that Glo users do face is the low internet speed which we have released the best solution to that in our previous article on how to force Glo network to be very fast. If you are having internet speed issue with your Glo line, kindly read the recommended article before proceeding to Activate this Glo free browsing cheat that will be revealed in this guide.

Today, I am going to give you the detailed steps on how to activate the Glo browsing cheat and all you need to have before being eligible to take advantage of the offer.

Requirements For Glo Unlimited Free Browsing Cheat May 2021

  • A Registered Glo sim card.
  • Internet connect with moderate internet speed.
  • Glo sim card without airtime or data.
  • Glo N100 airtime.
  • Psiphon VPN. Download it here.

How To Activate The Glo Free Browsing Cheat

Having gone through the requirements listed above and you sure to have them ready, the next thing is the steps to Activate the Glo unlimited free browsing cheat. Kindly follow the instructions below to activate it now:

  1.  Click here to download psiphon VPN.
  2. Install the VPN on your phone and proceed to the next step below.
  3. You will need to subscribe to N100 Glo Opera mini data plan, which will give you a whooping sum of 300MB for N100.
  4. Follow the step 5 below to activate the Opera Mini data plan.
  5. Recharge your Glo line with N100 airtime, open your phone dial pad and dial *777# and select data.
  6. Enter 1 again to select buy data plan.
  7. On the next screen, you will be asked if you want the data plan to auto renew or not, if you want it to auto renew, reply with 1, if no, reply with 2.
  8. On the next screen, enter 6 to select social bundle, then enter 3 to select the Opera data plan and reply with 3 to select N100 for 300MB.
  9. Summary: *777# >1 >1 >6 >3 >3.
  10. Once you have purchased the data successfully, turn on your internet connection.
  11.  Open the psiphon VPN and connect it by clicking on start.
  12. Wait for few minutes for that app to connect.
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That’s all, once the psiphon VPN is connected, you can now minimize the app and start surfing the internet for free.

The 300MB you purchased will not be touched and you will be able to browse the internet without any form of limitation.


It has come to our notice that the Glo unlimited free browsing cheat provided above has start malfunctioning and on this note, we have provide you with a new and latest working unlimited Glo data cheat, this cheat will be aid with the use of a VPN and everything you need to know about the cheat has been made available for you.

Just click on the highlighted text above to visit the latest free browsing method, follow the instructions stated on the page and enjoy the free internet access without hassle, however, you can check both options and stick with the one that works for you best.

Conclusion: That’s all you need to know about the latest Glo unlimited free browsing cheat and if you follow the instructions as being stated in the guide above, you won’t have any issue activating the free browsing.

However, if after reading the guide, you still have questions or need help, kindly drop a comment in the comments section below and you will get the appropriate response as soon as possible.




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