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Home How To's How To Set Data Limit On Windows 10

How To Set Data Limit On Windows 10

How To Monitor Your PC Data Usage By Setting Data Limit


As we all know that windows 10 consume more data amongst the available PC’s OS version and it will be a great Idea if you could monitor your data usage especially if you are subscribed to a caped data plan.

I have personally received some request from some individuals, who wish they could monitor their data PC’s data usage but doesn’t know how to go about it. Today, I am going to give you the detailed instructions on how you can set data limit on your PC’s especially windows 10 as it’s known to be the PC’s OS that consumes much more data as compared to others.

If you didn’t forget, the issue of too much data consumption of the so called window 10 has been addressed in our previous article, where I released the necessary steps that needs to be taken in order to limit the rate at which your PC consumes data.

When I was listing the necessary steps to be taken in order to limit data usage on Windows 10, I remembered listing the setting of data limit as a preventive measure to limit data usage and that’s the main reason why I have create this guide, so that, you can know the functions of this setting and what it capable of doing.

Setting data limit on your PC doesn’t reduce the way at which your PC consumes data, instead, it gives you the report of how much data your PC have consumed, which is the main reason why I categorized this setting under the preventive measure. If you need a corrective measure that will restrict your PC from sucking too much data over time, then click here to read an article that has been specially made for you.

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Now that you have know the functions of data limit on your PC, let’s see how to set data limit on Windows 10 or any other PC’s.

Network And Internet Option


 How To Set Data Limit On PC’s

1. Open the windows menu via the windows button or any respective prompt and click on the settings.

2. Click on the Network and Internet option as shown in the picture above.

Data usage Option


3. Check the menus at the left hand side and click on data usage as shown in the picture above.

4. Go to the Data usage section and click on the Set limit button as shown in the picture below.

Set Limit Button


5. Choose the data limit option of your choice from the list of options which includes; Monthly, One time and Unlimited.

6. Click on the Reset date and set it to the date of your choice as well as the Data limit unit.

Cross Check Changes Made


7. Now cross check your recently made changes and make sure they are correct, then click on the save button to make the changes effective.

Congratulations! You have successfully set data limit on your PC and you can now use your data plans in accordance with your schedule.

Should you wish to revert this changes as times goes on and remove the data limit, follow the instructions below;

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How To Remove Data Limit On PC’s


1. Open the windows menu via the windows button or any respective prompt and click on the settings.

2. Click on the Network and Internet option.

3. Select Status.

4. Look for the active connections and click on the Data usage button.

5. Under the Data limit section, click on the remove limit button.

6. You will see a prompt asking you to confirm the action or cancel, click on the remove button and you are done.

Wow! You have just grabbed all you need to know on how to set data limit on Windows 10 and why you should set it.


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