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Home Airtel How To Borrow Airtime From Airtel 2024 (Airtel Extra Credit)

How To Borrow Airtime From Airtel 2024 (Airtel Extra Credit)

How to borrow airtime from Airtel

If you have been wanted to know how to borrow airtime from Airtel so as to meet up with your targeted calls whenever you run out of Airtime, worry know as this guide is going to show you all you need to know about it and how to borrow the airtime without stress.

We have previously previously released the detailed guide on how to borrow airtime from Glo network via Glo borrow me credit and all you need to know about it.

Today, I will be showing you the detailed instructions on how to borrow airtime from Airtel, the codes you will be needing and all you need to know about the Airtel Advance airtime.

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About Airtel Extra Credit

Airtel extra credit is a special program just like Glo borrow me credit, it allows all it’s subscribers to borrow airtime when they need it for one purpose or the other and pay it later.

When you borrow Airtime from Airtel, the exact amount you borrowed will be deducted from your next recharge with a service fee of 15%. The 15% fee will be deducted from your initial loan and you will be credited with the balance.

In order to borrow airtime from Airtel, your monthly recharge frequency will be put into consideration together with the average money you have spent since you started using your Sim card. The more your recharge frequency, the higher your chance of getting high amount and vice versa.

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However, for you to be qualified at all for the Airtel extra credit, you must be a subscriber for at least two months and have been using an average of N200 airtime monthly.

How To Be Eligible For Airtel Extra Credit

As it has been stated above that you have to be an Airtel subscriber for at least two months and have been using an average of 200 Naira airtime monthly. You with as well need to be an Airtel prepaid customer with a registered sim card.

How To Check If You’re Eligible To Borrow Airtime From Airtel

You might want to know if you have qualified for getting airtime loan from Airtel before you depend on the service in case you run out of Airtime simply follow the instructions below.

1. Dial *500# and you will be redirected to the Airtel Extra credit main menu.

2. Reply with 1 to select eligibility and help.

3. On the next screen, reply with 1 again to select Eligibility.

4. You will see a pop up message with your eligibility status and the maximum amount you can borrow if you’re qualified for the Airtel extra credit.

How To Borrow Airtime From Airtel

Now that you have checked your eligibility status and have qualified to borrow the airtime. Follow the instructions below to execute your advance airtime request.

  1. Simply dial *500# and you will be redirected to the Airtel extra credit main menu.
  2. Reply with 2 to select borrow credit.
  3.  You will see a pop-up notification saying that 15% charges will be deducted, reply with * to select to menu.
  4. On the next screen, reply with the number that is attached to the amount you want to borrow.
  5. You will be credited immediately and the 15% charges will be deducted.

Code To Borrow Airtime From Airtel

In case you found the method above stressful and you’re looking for a quick and fastest way, the the USSD code has got you covered.

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All you have bro do is to dial *500*(amount of credit you want to borrow)#. For example, if you intend to borrow 100 Naira airtime, just dial *500*100# .

Wait for the process to complete in just few seconds and you will receive a message notifying you about the transaction initiated. If you are qualified to borrow the requested amount, your airtime will be sent to you, if you are not qualified, you will receive a detailed message about your eligibility status.

Why Is The Amount Of Airtime I Got Lesser Than The Amount Requested

I have mentioned it at the beginning of this guide, a service charge of 15% will be applied to all credit you borrowed from Airtel and if you choose the least option which is 25 Naira, you will be charged with 20%.

For better overview and to let you understand this better, the table Below shows the breakdown of how the service works.

Breakdown of Airtel Extra Credit Service

Loan Amount            Value       Payback amount

25                                  20                         25

50                                  42.5                      50

100                                85                          100

200                               170                         200

500                                425                         500

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1000                               850                       1,000

2000                               1,700                     2,000

The loan amount is the amount of credit you borrowed, the value is the amount of Airtime that with be sent to you while the payback amount is the amount that will be deducted on your next recharge. Note that all value on the table are in NGN.

What Will Happen If I Refused To Repay After 72hrs

Airtel always give their subscribers 72hrs to repay their loan and many have been wondering what could happen if they failed to yield to the Instructions.

Well, if you refused to repay the loan after 72hrs, you will not be able to access the service until you pay back the amount you borrowed and it will have effect on your advance rating and might Prevent you from having access to higher amount of loan at the supposed time.

Can I Call Other Network With The Advance Airtime

Yes! It’s as if you recharged your line with Normal airtime and you can used it for anything, to call all Networks and even an international number.

Can I Borrow Extra Credit Without Repaying The First Loan

No! You must clear your previous loan if you have any before you can be able to borrow another airtime.

I Have Applied For Extra Credit A Long Time Ago And It Was Just Deducted This Week

So far you have have advance credit that you haven’t repay, this shouldn’t be strange to you as their might be some delay in In the system for getting recharge notification by the time you recharged your line.

Whenever the airtime get notification of your recharge, it will be deducted no Matter how long.

However, if you are sure that you have repaid the advance loan amount, contact the Airtel customer service to complain and get the possible solution. Though it almost impossible to be charged twice for one loan.

Conclusion: Above shows the detailed steps on how to borrow airtime from Airtel with the valid USSD code to borrow airtime from Airtel and after reading the guide, you should have understand everything you need to know about the Airtel extra credit and how to go about it.



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