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Home MTN How To Activate 5GB For N1000 On MTN

How To Activate 5GB For N1000 On MTN

How to activate 5GB for N1000 on MTN

Here another special data offer from MTN to all it’s subscribers, this article will actually reveal how you can activate a whooping sum of 5GB worth of data with just N1000 in one click.

If you didn’t forget, I have shared a lot of cheapest data plans on MTN with you on this blog, ranging from, MTN welcome back offer, MTN4ME and lots more. And I also give you the detailed steps on how to activate MTN mPulse free browsing cheat at recent.

Today, I will expanciate on all you need to know about the MTN supper data offer, which allows the selected customers to purchase 5GB Worth of data with just N1000. That’s amazing right?

Now, let’s dive into the purpose of this article as I am going to make this article, a very short and brief one, in other to save your time.

Before I proceed on how to activate this offer, I will like to expanciate on the fact that only few MTN subscribers are eligible for this offer, but don’t panic, I have the list of offers from MTN that correspond with this or even better.

Below are some offer that you can choose above this one, if you’re not eligible for the MTN supper data offer:

1. How To Activate MTN 9GB With N2,000 And 1.5GB With N300.

2. How To Activate MTN 200MB For N50.

3. How To Activate MTN 1GB + N500 Airtime For N200 and 4GB + N2500 with just N1000

4. How To Activate 300% Bonus   150MB On All Recharges.

How To Know If You Are Eligible For MTN Supper Data Offer

Since the offer select sims and only available for the selected customers, it calls for the need to firstly Know if you’re eligible for the offer or not before proceeding to buy airtime.
Follow the steps below to know if you’re eligible;
• Do not buy the airtime yet.
• Now dial *567*143*1#.
• If you’re eligible, you will receive a message that the activation of the data plan failed due to insufficient balance.
• If you’re not, then you will be to that you’re not eligible for the offer.

How To Activate 5GB For N1000 On MTN

Now that your sim card is eligible for the offer, just follow the steps below to activate your data and enjoy.
1. Simply recharge your MTN sim card with N1000 or just make sure that you have enough airtime on your sim card.
2. Now, dial *567*143*1# to get your data and enjoy.

Things To Note About MTN Supper Data Offer

• The data Offer in only available for few MTN subscribers and that’s why I provide enough optional offer that are even better . Just scroll up to check them out.
• The data is valid for 14days ( Two weeks ).
• You can check your data balance by dialing *131*4# or send 2 to 131.
• All you need to know about the offer have been provided above, just read carefully.

• If you have any question concerning the activation of the offer, just drop a comment below and you will get instant response.

READ ALSO  How To Activate MTN 1.5GB For N300 And 10MB For N2


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