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Home Make Money Online Gramfree Review For 2024 – Can You Truly Make $1000?

Gramfree Review For 2024 – Can You Truly Make $1000?

gramfree review
Gramfree Review

Gramfree review is a detailed insight  of gramfree website, which will revealed all you needs to know about the website and help you in taking the best decision of weather the platform worth your time or not. If lately, you have decided to join the gram free program, then I will implore you to read this guide first.

If you have come across the gramfree website in the past and you are contemplating on weather its legit or not, then this article is going to reveal all you need to know about the website and helps you in taking the right decision.

If you have been following browsingtechzone for a while, you will understand that we have been dropping a lot of website reviews in the past and this is in a bid to prevent you guys from wasting your time or hard earned money online in expectation of making money online. Among our past reviews are; viraltrend review, offernation review, rewardingways review and lots.

Today, I will be revealing all you needs to know about the so called gramfree world and at the end of this gramfree review, I am sure that you’re going to have all it takes to know where gramfree world belongs.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the detailed information on the main reason why we are here, which is to know if gramfree is legit or not.

What Is Gramfree?

Gramfree is a cryptocurrency based platform that was built on a system related to blockchain and claimed to be affiliated to Telegram in one way or the other. However the claim stating that the platform is developed by telegram is baseless as there is no enough evidence to back the claim.

On gramfree, there are lots of way in which you can earn free gram that can be converted into cash and a at the moment of written this report, one gram is equivalent to $3 according to the site.

How Can I Earn Money From Gramfree?

I guess your mind might be bombarded with a lot of question like this and you might be eager to know how you can make money from gramfree, but before that, have you ever asked yourself if gramfree is legit? I guess that’s why you’re here right? Let’s leave that for later discussion and see the way in which you can make money on Gramfree first.

Gramfree pays you for completing simple tasks on the platform and as well as for referring others to the platform.

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ways to make money on gramfree
gramfree tasks

The picture above shows four different ways in which you can make money via the platform but below are the complete lists of the various ways to make money from gramfree.

1. Signing smart contracts: There is a section on this platform that pays you for signing smart contract and you will get some grams for signing this contract.

Each users are eligible to sign each smart contract once in 24hrs and there is no special knowledge required, all you have to do is to login to your account, click on the menu bar, select smart contract, check for the smart contract that are available at the moment and click on the sign button attached to each, then check back in the next 24hrs to earn more.

2. Watching YouTube videos: Gramfree pays it’s users for watching YouTube videos and you can watch up to four videos per day.

Each videos you watch on gramfree earns you 0.5gram and each video will only last for 30seconds.

3. Uploading Videos: You can as well do a short video on gramfree website, entice people to join in the video and submit it to get pain in return. This videos are always promotional videos and you will get 5grams for each approved video.

4. Referrals: you can as well refer others to gramfree and earn 5grams per referal.

5. Playing rolls: All users can play the gramfree roll in every 60seconds and each users can earn 0.1gram and above depending on you roll result.

6. Deposit with your own money: this is like an investment and once you deposit, you will be earning a fixed amount on a daily basis but should one deposit on gramfree? Keep reading.

7. You can as well play lottery and win some grams after staking some gram, you can as well loose your staked grams in this section if your prediction happens to be wrong.

Gram free lottery is also like normal lottery programs and you have the opportunity to win or loose. The gram free is accessible to each member twice in a day and you can stake a minimum of 1gram and at the end of the day, the winner will get extra grams while the losers loss their staked 1gram.

Now that this gramfree review has been able to explain in details, how gramfree works and how you can make money from the platform, it’s time to know weather gramfree is legit or not.

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But, before I proceed to answer that question, let me drop some pros and cons I have found on the platform.

Pro And Cons Of Gramfree


1. Gramfree enable it’s users vto have easy access to their account.

2. The website is secure for users.

3. There are multiple ways to make money on gramfree and this increase the flexibility of the platform in terms of making money.


1. The Minimum Withdrawal is too high.

2. It can take up to 60days of hard working before you can have the Minimum amount of gram required for withdrawal.

3. Arcording to the gramfree price on the gram free website, a single gram worth $3.31 and you will need a sum of 500grams to withdraw.

4. The amount they claim to be paying is too high for a free website like gramfree, the 500grams is equivalent to $1655.

5. They have been up and running for couple of years and yet, there is no geniu payment proof.

6. All the payment proofs flying around were made by individuals in a bid to get more referrals and cash out.

7. All the video on the platform are of people giving testimony of how they get paid from gramfree but they can’t provide detailed analysis that will proof their Withdrawal claims.

8. They paid people to upload video even when they haven’t get the Minimum amount of gram required for withdrawal and this shows that people uploading video on the platform are only doing so to get more grams.

9. After proper analysis that was carried out before writting this gramfree review, we found no geniu source that can generate enough money for gramfree to pay their members.

10. They have a feature that allow members to deposit money and get interest in return, but no one has been able to withdraw after their respective deposit.

11. Many individuals keep asking who is the owner of Gramfree but no accurate details about the owner was found.

12. Arcording to a Gramfree review nairaland, the platform block some user when they didn’t go against any of the platform rules.

13. If you should ask how long pending withdrawal takes on gramfree, I can say forever.

Is Gramfree Legit?

I strongly believe that this is the main question that you have been anticipating to get answered, but if you have read every bit of the article from the beginning to this part of my honest Gramfree review, you should have get enough data to decide if the platform is legit or not. Go through the pro and cons once again and check below for what people are saying about gramfree.

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At the moment of gathering details for this honest review, I checked trust pilot and below is few among what people says about gramfree;

ibad shami said;

Hi Gramefree.

Iam and all my gramfree referral still working daliy for 3months and got to 500gram. I withdraw and after one week my account was suspended. please unsuspend my account. thank you!

Henry Patrick said;

I am Henry Patrick, I made my withdrawal via Neteller on 19th December 2020 after reaching the 500 grams withdrawable limit in Gramfree. Up till date my account is still pending. This is My second review in respect to my withdrawal. Please kindly pay me as you used to pay others and update my withdrawal status from PENDING to COMPLETE. Thanks!

Augustine Udeogalanya said;

This is totally unacceptable, it is unfair after wasting my time everyday doing all the task and inviting so many people to your website. I am totally against this decision you people have taken, how can you do this to me? Kindly active my account and pay me because I really suffered to get 500 grams. I got -10 gram several times but still I didn’t give up until I reach 500 gram. My username is austinweezy***


I have made a withdrawal of 500 gram dated 16-02-2021 but it is still pending. I have spend one year and 3 month to achive this earning.

There are some other users review are online available which have no withdrawals from last 3 or 4 months. Any body can easily understand that Gramfree is scam they are not paying now.

Conclusion: The data revealed in this Gramfree review is enough to let you know that the platform did not worth your time. It clearly shows that there is 99.9% possiblity of not getting paid after which you have waste your data and months if not even years on the website trying to accumulate 500grams.

I hope you found this review helpful, let us know what you think about the platform in the comments section below.

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  1. Hello
    Pls be careful when you are asked to pay migration fee by someone claiming to be gramfree agent. It is pure scam. Gramfree does not actually pay and it is not worth your time

  2. I was working on it since July 2020, I worked very hard and when I complete my 500 grams in June 2021 and after that I withdrawal it but since 10-06-2021 until now my amount was pending, I tried to contact them with many ways but they don’t have any contact number and also they don’t have any email to contact, I worked almost 2 years. and until now I don’t get my money from GramFree Still I am trying to contact them but I can’t find them, so if anybody knows how to contact them or how we can claim our money from them please send me a reply 🙁

    • If you have read this review carefully before diving Into gramfree, you should have stay away from it in the first place.

      It’s clearly Stated in the review that gramfree is just a scam site.

  3. If Gramfree doesn’t pay as many have testified of the pending status of the withdrawal the made on the site, I will like to ask this question how about all the review video being posted on the site there everyday from different people around the globe on how the have received their payment into their various accounts? And after watching those review videos on the site on daily basis, one can tell that they are not fake videos, if u would say those who are making those videos were paid to do so, then what’s the essence of paying them to make those videos and for what purpose bcoz the website is actually free, so what is the gain of paying people to make a propaganda of it? And some of them actually show their account being credited and source of the funds being Gramfree, what is the essence of doing that if it’s fake? Is there any gain that the website is making in doing that since it doesn’t require any financial registration or deposit? Please a lot of questions and doubts are unclear here

  4. My parents were on this thing for months I can even say a year and few months. My mum reached the 500grams then she withdrew and it showed withdrawn on the platform but she didn’t receive anything. She still reached the 500grams for the second time and withdrew and she didn’t receive anything

  5. Gramfreei have reahed the gram 500 made my withdrawal is pending for 2 weekend ago so what is wrong on it? Please can u help me

  6. I’m still trying to reach the 500 gram threshold but I think they don’t pay. The man who introduced me to the website has reached 500 gram since last year and made for withdrawal but it’s still pending.
    Gramfree is a scam.


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