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Home Cryptocurrency Antbit Network Review – Is Antbit.network Legit Or Scam?

Antbit Network Review – Is Antbit.network Legit Or Scam?

How antbit network works - Antbit.network payment

Antbit.network is a newly developed cryptocurrency platform which its native token is known as antbit, a token which is said to be a p2p token and in this my honest antbit network review, I am going to provide you with all you need to know about the platform and especially, how to accumulate free N1000 per referral.

Antbit Network token been a P2P token can only be traded among individuals for cash or goods and services. according to antbit.nework, ANTBIT token can’t be swapped for any cryptocurrency or withdrawn from any exchange it must be traded or swapped among individuals(P2P).

However, the platform provides the general public the opportunity to accumulate free cash and get paid directly to their Nigeria bank account once in every month and in this antbit.network review, I am going to provide you with literarily all you need to k about the platform and if it’s legit or not.

What is antbit network

Antbit network creates ANTBIT TOKEN, which is said to be a regulated Nigerian TOKEN in partnership with STRIMPAY MONEY TRANSFER with high hopes of going globally, and community that allows users to accumulate ANTBIT(ABT), to sell ANTBIT(ABT), to buy ANTBIT(ABT) and to store ANTBIT(ABT) like other cryptocurrency such as bitcoin,litecoin,tron, e.t.c.

But is the project even being driven by legit minded people? That’s why I am writing this detailed antbit network review to answer all possible questions that might be bothering you and as well clear all air about the token.

ANTBIT is a proposed Nigerian cryptocurrency that can only be used in Nigeria using Strimpay Money Transfer to store ANTBIT Token and buy and sell ANTBIT within the ANTBIT community. ANTBIT/STRIMPAY Team dont have control over the growth in the value of ANTBIT(ATB).

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Antbit network registration and bonus

How To Get Free N1000 On Antbit network

Getting th free 1000 naira on the antbit network is very simple and all you have to do is to register an account and verify your account. Immediately you complete your registration and your account verification, you will be rewarded with a whooping sum of N1000 as a registration bonus.

This implies that you don’t need any work to be able to claim the free one thousand naira than to just register and verify your email address I. The platform.

Antbit network registration – How to register on antbit.network

Click here to go the the antbit.network Registration page and on getting to the page, enter your preferred username, full name and password.

While setting your password, make sure you include a small letter, capital letter, numbers and those combination must be at least 8 characters.

In the space provided for referral code, input 907451 as your referral code. Click HERE to copy the referral code directly. Now click on the register button.

Antbit network login – how to sign in to antbit network account

Remembered I talked about an account verification, you will be prompt to do this at your first login to the platform. Once you comply your registration, you will be redirected to the antbit network login page, enter your email address and password.

Click on the login button and you will be prompt to verify your account, login to your registered email and copy the verification code, paste it into the provided box and that’s all.

You will be redirected to your account and the N1000 bonus will be waiting for you. But can you even withdraw the bonus? Continue reading this antbit network review to find out!

Antbit network payment pattern

The platform have drawn a pattern it will be using to pay it’s members and bellow is how to get paid on antbit network.

The ANTBIT network promised to pay its users every month and the payment is tagged as monthly salary payment which will kick started On the 24th of November 2022, on this day, ANTBIT said it’s members will be able to withdraw 30% from their salary balance from their ANTBIT account to their bank account for free.

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What is antbit network salary and how to increase your antbit salary

The salary is a name given to the money your able to accumulate in the platform and in order to increase your salary balance, you will have to refer a friend and you earn NGN1000 upon referring an individual to the platform while your friend will also earn NGN1000 as registration bonus.

You will also earn 100ANTBIT also for each person you refer and the same time you earn NGN1000 salary bonus too.

Antbit network withdrawal

If you can refer 10 persons you will earn NGN10,000 salary bonus and 1000ANTBIT, if you refer 100 persons you will earn NGN100,000 salary bonus and 10,000ANTBIT. On the 24th of November you will withdraw 30% from your total salary balance for free!!!.

According to the antbit network, the more you withdraw, the more your withdrawal percentage increases. This implies that if you’re able to withdraw 30% of your salary this month, by the next month, you might be eligible to withdraw 35% of your Total monthly salary.

Antbit network referral program – How to refer and earn on antbit network

In order to refer others to the platform and make money doing that, all you have to do it to register on the platform, login to your account and click on the menu bar at the top left corner of the app. You will see the refer Option, simply click in it and copy your referral code and link successfully.

Click HERE to register on antbit network

Click HERE to copy antbit Network referral code


Antbit network review

Antbit network review

Ok! We’re now at the general market and without any form of Delay, we should just end everything now and decide if antbit network is legit or not.

However, while gathering information for this antbit network review, browsingtechzone have found some red and green flags on the antbit.network and these flags will greatly helped us in deciding if antbit network is legit or scam.

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Antbit.network green flags

1. The platform required no Registration or activation fee.

2. The project is new and their might be good motive behind it.

3. There is provisions for users to withdraw their salary directly to their Nigeria bank account without passing through strimpay.

Red flags found on antbit.network

1. No payment history is available for the platform being new.

2. No one has been able to confirm the withdrawal as the first set of withdrawals is going to take place on the 25th of November, 2022.

3. The platform is associated with strimpay, a platform which has once carry the general public goal goal. Lol

4. Strimpay is neither a straight forward platform nor a trusted platform and an adage says show me your friend and I will know who you’re.

5. Strimpay has once run a referral program in the past and they failed to pay anyone at the end, they forced some individuals to pay for a card and everything else ended up being a waste of time and they haven’t given an account to that since. The main reason I said the platform can’t be trusted.

6. The antbit network as at the moment of writing this antbit network review can only be recommended based on probability.

Is antbit network legit

As at the moment of writing this antbit.network review, there is no much details about the platform but still, we have been able to reveal some fact to you about the platform. Hence, we will be able to know their stand before the end of November.

Is antbit network scam

There platform cannot be pronounced as as scam yet as it’s still new and moreover, there’s no registration fee or activation fee required.

Can I register on antbit network

Yes! You can register as there is no harm in trying and no money is involved. However, you should not make any payment for anything concerning the platform under any circumstances.

I am saying this because of if they eventually come up with a payment plan or anything that will require you to pay in order to get paid.

If the platform is later found to be trusted, I will surely update this guide and give you go ahead. For Now, Join, accumulate free cash and see if they will keep to their promises.


This antbit network review has so far been able to provide you with detailed and deep insight on the antbit.network and antbit token and with the detailed information provided in this guide, you should have fully understand how the platform works and how to accumulate free cash on the platform without any form of stress.



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