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Home 9mobile 9mobile SocialPak 2.5GB Cheat Via Ultrasurf VPN

9mobile SocialPak 2.5GB Cheat Via Ultrasurf VPN

9mobile SocialPak 2.5GB Cheat
9mobile SocialPak 2.5GB Cheat has been rocking for years now, and I am glad to inform you that the cheat is still working till this present moment without any form of interruption.
However, the previous method of of enjoying the 9mobile SocialPak 2.5GB Cheat requires importing a config file before you can be chanced to enjoy this cheat, which many people find difficult and frustrating.

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Today, I will be introducing to you, the best and the easiest way to enjoy this cheat without the needs of importing any config file.

The method of enjoying the 9mobile SocialPak 2.5GB Cheat, that I am going to share in this article, will required the installation of Ultrasurf VPN as mentioned in the heading of this article.

Ultrasurf VPN has been available for some years ago and has played an important role in helping so many internet users that are in need of a HTTP and Socks Proxy VPN app.

With the so called Ultrasurf VPN, 9mobile users can enjoy their SocialPak data bundle to surf the internet, without the needs of importing any config file and the steps involved in using this VPN us as simple as anything.

How To Activate 9mobile SocialPak 2.5GB Cheat Via Ultrasurf VPN

Below are the steps involved in in activating this cheat;

Step 1: Simply dial *343*6*9# to subscribe to 9mobile Social Media / Chat Pack Plan, it costs N350 only.

Step 2: Now that you have done with the step 1 above, click here to download Ultrasurf VPN.

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Step 3: Open the Ultrasurf VPN and click on the connect button as shown below.

9mobile SocialPak 2.5GB Cheat Via Ultrasurf VPN

Allow it to connect, it might take some seconds.

Step 4: Immediately it’s connected, minimize the VPN and start surfing the internet and enjoy streaming and downloading.

Is The 9mobile SocialPak 2.5GB Cheat Unlimited?

No, this cheat is not unlimited, it is capped 2.5GB. 2GB will be hidden, it can only be used with the VPN, which is where the use of Ultrasurf VPN comes in and 500MB which can be used to access the social media and it can also be used on all app, so far your VPN is connected.

That’s all about the 9mobile Social Pack 2.5GB Cheat Via Ultrasurf VPN. Enjoy it while it lasts!

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