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Home How To's How To Screen Record On Android – Complete Step By Step Guide

How To Screen Record On Android – Complete Step By Step Guide

how to screen record on android


Screen recording is a feature that allows both Android and iOS users to take the video recording of every activities on their device whenever they intend to. This feature is supported by all Android device but not all Android device have the said feature and this has prompt browsingtechzone to provide you with the detailed guide on how to screen record on android.

Don’t get it twisted, what I am trying to say in the line above is that the feature of screen recording comes with some Android phones, this implies that it’s an inbuilt feature on some Android phones while some Android phones don’t have it and this is what this article is about to solve.

You will agree with me that doing screen record is one of the important thing as far as effective communication is concerned.

Here is the reason why;

Most of the time when you are trying to explain something to someone via any online means, you will agree with me that it’s somehow stressful to pass some instructions in a written form. Even if you manage to pass the information, the recipient of the information might find it difficult to understand.

But if you should send the Screen Record if such instructions, the recipient will tend to grab very fast as every step will be visual to him/her.

However, performing screen recording in many occasions don’t usually be the problem, the problem is how do you screen record on Android?

Relax! You have the solution with you already and reading this article carefully is the solution.

Complete Step-by-Step Guide On How To Screen Record On Your Android Phone

I guess you’re here because your Android phone didn’t have this feature and you would love to carry out the said activities on your phone or probably the sound quality of the one that comes with your phone doesn’t meet up with your expectations.

No matter what, as far as screen recording on Android is concerned, this is gonna be the best solution for you as this article is going to give you the step by step instructions on how to screen record on an Android phone.

And guess what?

No matter how low the version of your Android is, nothing is going to Stop you from utilizing the method to be provided in this article, even if your Android version is as low as 5.0, it will works for you as smooth as possible.

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This article is going to be of that how to copy text from a screenshot, which is by giving you different methods of doing the same thing, then you choose the one that is best for you

Without further ado, let’s dive into the detailed information about the aim of this article.

Requirements For Screen Recording On Android

1. You Android phone of any version.
2. The third party app that will be attached to the method of your choice.
3. Your attention while reading the steps to be outlined bin this guide.
As I have stated above, this article vis going to explain two different methods you can used to Archieve this, it’s left to you to check and choose the one that is best for you!
First method:

How To Screen Record On Android Using Screen Recorder

1. Click here to download and install the screen Recorder app.



2. Once you have Download and installed the app, click on the menu bar at the to right corner of the e and select settings as shown in the picture above.


Settings Menu

3. Once you Click on the settings, you will be taken to the page shown above, which is where you can configure the app to your own satisfaction. I have circled some basic settings there as you can clearly see it in the picture above.

Below are the brief explanation on each of the circled area above.

#Notification icon

By turning this on, it means there will be a notification at the top of your phone screen while the recording is going on, this notification will consist the duration of your recording.

#Minimize Record

Once you have prompt the app to star recording, there will be the needs to minimize the app and navigate to the page where you intend to screen Record.
By turning this option on, you won’t need to manually minimize the app, once you click on the start recording button, the app will minimize itself and take you to the respective Page.

#Stop On Sleep

This is the option that will tell the app to either stop recording when your phone rest or it should continue with the recording.
If you turn it on, it means it will Stop recording once your phone screen goes off and if you turn it of, it will continue the recording even when your phone screen is on sleep.

#Stop On Shake

This implies that your screen recording will be interrupted, once your phone is shaken.

#Banner Text

If you scroll down a little bit beyond the screen shown in the picture above, you will see this option, which allows you to display any pictures or text of your choice on the screen Record.

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You might intend to add credit to that particular video, this where you will configure it an import the logo or any picture of your choice. Once the recording is about to start, you can drag the floating text or picture to where you want to place it.

Start Recording

4. Now that you are done with the configuration of the app, go to the page you intend to screen record an Minimize the page.

5. Open your recorder app and click on the icon shown in the picture above. If you have turns on the minimize option as stated in the step 3 above, you will be taken to the page automatically, but if not, just minimize the app and navigate to the area you want to screen record.

End Recording

5. Once you are done recording what you want to record, navigate back to the app t click on the icon shown above.

6. If you intend to modify the video or convert it to GIF, you can click in the menu bar and select the respective option to do that

Boom! You recording is ready!

Second Method:

How To Screen Record On Android Using AZ Recorder

If you should ask me about the best Recorder app, I will tell you it’s AZ Recorder.

Why? because it have a lot of features that the previous app being discussed above lacks. Don’t worry, I will explain everything about the app to you and you too will see what I am actually talking about.

But, always remember that the being discussed above gives you the opportunity to edit your video or convert it to GIF which cannot be done on AZ.

I believed you should have know how screen Recorder app works. Now let’s dive into the detailed guide on how AZ works.
Let’s go!

1. Click here to download and install AZ Recorder.

2. Open the app and you will see the quick menus as shown below.

Az Recorder menu

2. The first arrow is pointed to the icon to hit once you’re ready to start the recording. The second arrow is pointing to the button to hit if you want to go to the recording menu, where all your videos are saved on the app.
The third arrow is pointing to the tool bar where you can have access to three main important settings.
The fourth arrow is pointing to the button to hit if you want to record live video.

Now that you have the insight of each icon in the picture above, let’s move to the next step.

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Tool bar menu

3. It’s time to click on the tool bar and see how it looks. If you click on the tool bar, the three options above are the options that will be shown to you. And below is the brief details of each options.


This is the option that will give you the opportunity to take screenshots while recording.


This option implies that a square space will be provided at the top corner of your phone where your face will be shown during the recording.


This option will allow you to use brush during the recording. If you need to indicate something in the recording, you can easily enable the brush and circled the respective area and so on.

Now, let’s activate the three options above and see what our Screen looks like.

Brush, camera and Screenshot

4. The blue arrow is pointing to an icon that will appear once you turn on the Screenshot option. Should you need to capture any section during the recording, just click on that icon and the present screen will be captured.

The red arrow is pointing to an icon that will appear once you enable the camera option, that is where your face will be displaying as you go on with the recording.

The black arrow is pointing to the icon that will appear once you turns on the brush option, if you need to draw anything during the recording, just tap on the icon and draw Once you are done, tap the cross icon at the bottom of the screen and continue with your screen recording.

Recording about to start

5. Now Click on the respective icon to start recording. Once you Click in the start icon, the timer will start counting down, once it gets to zero the recording will begin and the timer will start counting to notify you with the length of your recording as you continue.

Don’t you like the count down feature? Or will you like to modify it to the volume of your choice. Don’t worry below is how to modify that.

Countdown modification

6. If you want to disable the countdown feature, just toggle off the button. If you want to modify it, click on the countdown value and edit it.

Once you are done with your Screen Recording, navigate back to the app and Hit the button shown below.

End Recording

7. Boom! You video is ready.

Wow! You just grab the best two methods to screen record on any Android phone.

If you have any question related to this guide, drop it in the comments box below for quick response.


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