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How To Keep Your Facebook Account From Being Hacked

How To Keep Your Facebook Account From Being Hacked

My attention has been brought to the rapid increment in the rate at which hackers now attack Facebook accounts and I have decided to give give you the ultimate guide on how keep your Facebook account from being hacked.

Table of Contents

10 Smart Steps To Keep Hackers Away From Your Facebook Account

It’s obvious that Facebook is one of the most popular social media which people can’t do without having it.


I said people can’t do without having it cause, I hardly see anyone using other social medias without having a Facebook account. Even the old ones that ain’t using other social media like Instagram, Snapchat, telegram and co. Do have a Facebook account.

I recently published an article on how to secure your WhatsApp account from being hacked or any form of attack and today, I am going to give you the detailed steps to keep your facebook account safe as much as possible.

You can also read:

Why Should You Care About Your Facebook Account Security?

There are thousands of reasons why you need to protect your Facebook account and keep it safe as much as possible. Imagine someone hijacking an account which you have been using for years in just a few seconds not even minutes.
1. You have lost your sensitive information to the hacker and he/she can now use it in anyway he/she likes.
2. Your loved ones have been exposed some dangerous risk and they might ends up being defrauded of their hard earned money.
3. The hacker might impersonate you to perform all sorts of illegal activities.

Can you actually prevent your Facebook account from being hacked?

Yes, you can actually keep hackers far away from your Facebook account and this article will give you all you needs to do in keeping your Facebook account secure from any form of attack.
Once you read this article and follow the steps outlined in this article, I can assure you that your account is safe for ever and no one will be able to stole your account from you.
When I state some reason why you need to prevent hacking of your Facebook account, you might be wondering how possible are those reasons outlined?
Before I proceed to the Steps on how to keep your facebook account from being hacked, I will brief you on one or two ugly incidents which was caused as a result of loosing once Facebook account to a hacker.
A lady actually sent me a private message on WhatsApp that her Facebook has been hacked by someone that isn’t known to her.
I gave her some steps to retrieve the account and thank God, it’s never late and she was able to retrieve her account.
But to everyone surprise;
The hacker has scanned through the lady chat and picked some relevant people that he discovered they usually send the lady some money.
He immediately place a request for money from this people impersonating the owner of the account and also cooked some stories to convince them about the difference in the account details he dropped. And this is exactly what I am talking about when I said “Your loved ones have been exposed some dangerous risk and they might ends up being defrauded of their hard earned money.”

Many hackers will hack innocent people’s account and be using it to advertise double investment, in this case the victim friends will think it’s the person they know and due to the trust they have in the owner of the account, they will believe he/she can mislead them and boom! They will rush into the scam not knowing that the account has been compromised.

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Anyways, we are not here for story, but you will agree with me that everyone must protect his/her Facebook account in other to keep yourself safe, likewise the people around you.
Now, let’s dive into the steps, to keep your facebook account safe.


1. Use Strong password.

Protecting your Facebook account started from the moment you decide to create your Facebook account and this is by setting a very strong password as your Facebook account password. I know you might have create your account in the past, guess what? What you have to do now is just to head over to your Facebook account settings page and change your password.

Hints to create a very strong password:

• Do not use your name or your phone number as your password. Doing any of this is like giving the hacker a chance to hack your account in few seconds cause, the first thing is to attempt login using your name/phone number as password.

• Let’s your password be missed with different characters, like mixing uppercase letter with lower case letters, digit and special characters like.

• Don’t let your password be less than 8 characters.

To change your Facebook password, just login to your Facebook account and go to settings, scroll down and locate Security, Click on security and login and select change password. Then fill the provided space for new password and Old password.


Settings> Security > security and login > change password > enter your old password and form new password.

Wow! You’re done with the first step out of the 10 smart steps to secure your Facebook account.

Trusted Contacts

2. Add Trusted Friends As Backup Source.

This is an option on Facebook, which allows every users to add three (3) to five (5) of their friends which they trust completely. Should anything goes wrong, you can contact them for help.

This is very helpful especially when you are locked out of your account. This implies that someone else has gained entrance into your account but with this option, you will be able to recover your account with the help of any of the friends you have added before the incidence.

To add trusted contacts, login to your Facebook account and go to settings, scroll down and locate Security, Click on security and login, Click on the button that says trusted friends and add those friends you can trust and also reach them on phone if you are offline.


Settings> Security > security and login > trusted friends > click in add friends > choose your preferred contacts.

Make sure you add those you can reach on phone in case you’re locked out of your account.

Wow! You’re done with the second step!


Facebook password

3. Don’t Save Your Password For later Login on Another Person’s phone

This is where some people get it wrong, the fact that you trust someone doesn’t mean you should use the save password button whenever you login on their phones. Let’s neglect the fact that you trust them or not, you didn’t know the next person to use the phone after which you have done with it.

It’s very simple and easy, once you are asked if you wanted to save the password, click on the NO button and move on.

If you choose to click on yes, your account privacy is at risk already cause, the person/anyone can actually login without the need to input your password after which you have logged out.

However, you might have saved your Facebook login details on some devices and decided to change them, here are the few steps to follow;

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• Log click on the log out button to log out any account in session.

• You will see the the list of accounts that have logged in using the device.

• Locate your account and click on the three black dots at the front of your account name.

• Locate login info and toggle the switch to off position.

The one shown in the picture above is on, so Click on it to off it and you’re done.

Report unusual Activities

4. Report Any Unusual Activities Immediately

If you think that something is suspicious in your Facebook activities and Facebook didn’t inform you about and changes. Instead of keeping your mind busy, head over to your settings and create a report, Facebook will give you the picture of what actually happened and what you can do to keep your Facebook account safe as much as possible.

To locate this feature, login to your Facebook account and go to settings, scroll down and locate Security, Click on security and login, scroll down and click on the button that says if you think your account has been Hacked, then select any option that describe your experience or select the last option to write the description by yourself.


Settings> Security > security and login > scroll down to the bottom > click on the button that says if you think your account has been Hacked > select any option that describe your experience or select the last option to write the description by yourself.

Add Email Address

5. Add A Valid Email Address To Your Facebook Account.

This is another means of monitoring every activities that is taking place on your account and a means to also recover your password if the needs arise.

You can actually add an email address to your Facebook account in few clicks.

To add an email address to your Facebook account, login to your Facebook account and go to settings, select personal information and you will see the space provided for an email.


 Settings> Security > select personal information > click on the space provided for email address and enter your valid email address.

Now let’s move to another step which is the banger of all steps.


6. Activate Two-Factors Authentication

Did I just mentioned banger now? Yes! This is the most important steps to keep your Facebook account from being hacked.

Two-factor authentication (2fA) is a very high and reliable ways of protecting user login in such a way that it offers an additional identity check stage apart from the standard login by combining password with mobile number or email.

If you have this option Enabled, after which you have entered your standard login details, a verification code called one time password will be sent to your mobile number and without the code, you will be denied the access to login to the account.

It’s called one time password because it’s only valid for a login if you attempt to login again, another code will still be sent to you.

This implies that, no one can have access to your Facebook account without the sim card that you have contacted with the two-factor authentication.

But I must say, there are still some things you should take care of in relation to the two-factor authentication. Don’t worry, I will give detailed explanation of this in the next method to be discussed right after this one.

How To Enable Facebook Two-factor authentication

• Login to your Facebook account and go to settings.

• Locate security and select login and security.

• Locate the option that says use two-factor authentication as shown in the number one of the picture above.

• Enter your password to confirm its you.

• Set your two-factor authentication and login again.


 Settings> Security > security and login > two-factor authentication > enter password > confirm your phone number.

Boom! Your Facebook Two-factor authentication is enabled.

7. Monitor Your Verified Device

If you have been following this guide with the appropriate attention, you will remember that u mentioned something about  two-factor authentication in the just concluded step above and this is where I am going explain everything about it.

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Now that you have your two-factor authentication enabled, there is going to be the needs to pay attention to your verified device.

You might be wondering what I/Facebook mean by verified device?

Don’t worry, just take a look at this:

• Verified device are the device that have the Same privilege as your personal mobile phone. If you have enabled login verification as mentioned in the steps above, you will get notified when another device tried to access your account.

• If you attempt to login from another device, Facebook will send a mail to you, asking you to confirm if it’s you or not, Once you Click on the “it’s me option” Facebook will save the device under the list if your verified device. Should anyone tried to access your account from that device, you won’t be notified about the login anymore.

• If you’re trying to login to an account that is two-factor authentication enabled, after entering your OTP, you will be asked if you wanted to save the device.

• Once you Click on yes, that Device is now verified and Facebook won’t send any password to you for future login activities on that device. This is because you have told them that you owned the device/you don’t want to receive one time password again if you attempt to login with that particular device.


Remove Device From Verified List

How To Remove Device From Verified List

If you know that you have accessed your account from a mobile phone that you didn’t have access to anymore, or you mistakenly click on verified device while login into you account from another person’s phone, just follow the steps below to remove such device;

• Login to your Facebook account and go to settings.

• Locate security and select login and security.

• Click on Authorized login.

• The lists of device in which you have authorized login will be displayed to you.

• Mark the device you want to delete and click on the remove button.

That’s all


8. Enable Account Login Notification

This is the best way to get notified of all login attempts to your account.

Once you enable this option, Facebook will send report of all login attempts and authorization to your email address and your Facebook account notification section.

This notification will indicate the device and the location of the login authorization.


9. Avoid Phishing/Spam Link

You might be wondering what the phishing is actually all about, but don’t worry, I am going to give you brief explanation on how phishing works.

Password phishing is the most popular way to get your account data, it involves the creation if a website which is somehow looks like Facebook page and entice the victim to enter their Facebook login details, once you login to this fake page, the hacker have successfully obtain your login details from you.

Below are the tips to avoid being a victim of this:

I. Do not login to your Facebook account from any web address other than www.facebook.com.

II. Avoid clicking on suspicious link regardless of whoever send it to you or wherever you found it.

III. Never input any of your details on a website or app that is not secure, they are usually in http and not https.

IV. Always keep your browser updated to it’s latest version so as to ensure that your browser’s security is up to date.


10. Always Use VPN If there is need to connect to public WiFi.

This will not only prevent your Facebook account only, but all data on your phone because, hackers may reconfigure the WiFi router since it’s Public WiFi and to gain access to everything transferred by your device to the web back.


You have just grab the complete guide on how to keep your facebook account from being hacked, that’s amazing! The Steps outlined above are 10 smartest steps to prevent Hackers from gaining access into you Facebook account. Having read and follow the instructions above, you can now relax and use your Facebook account without hassle of getting hacked.

That’s wow!





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