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Home Banks Wema Bank Transfer Code – Send Money, Check Balance, Buy Airtime etc

Wema Bank Transfer Code – Send Money, Check Balance, Buy Airtime etc

wema bank transfer code

Wema Bank is known to be one of the best and approved commercial bank in Nigeria and in this detailed guide, I am going to reveal everything you need to know about the wema Bank transfer code and how to use it for transactions on your mobile phone without having bro visit the bank.

To make banking experience a very pleasant one for wema Bank customers, wema Bank has introduced a mobile banking platform that allows you to to transfer money, buy Airtime, send money to others, pay bills and lots More and as a wema bank customer, this guide will put you through in details, how to use the wema bank transfer code in complete all sorts of transaction at the comfort of anywhere you are.

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About Wema Bank

Wema bank is the pioneer of Africa’s first fully digital bank, ALAT, and one of the most resilient banks in Nigeria as it has been stated in the earlier part of this guide. Wema Bank is a bank with decades of experience in banking industry and it has remained innovative in delivering value to it’s stake holders.

Wema Bank is constantly introducing products and services tailored to the needs of it’s customers at every stages of their lives. The bank is a partner to more than one million individuals, families and business across Nigeria, helping them to achieve their personal and financial goals.

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About Wema Bank Code

Wema Bank transfer code is what makes baking activities an easy tasks for all customers and allow you to perform any transaction on your mobile phone without having to go to the bank and search for any ATM machine around you.

With the wema bank code, you will be able to complete majority of your bank transactions, such as buying airtime, sending money from bank to bank, paying utility bills and lots more.

Benefits Of Wema Bank Transfer Code

These are the advantages of using wema bank USSD code for your transaction and I have gathered one or two benefits of the service and you will discover more when you started using the code for your transactions. Check the list below for the most popular and basic benefits you will get from wema banking codes;

  • The use of USSD code makes your transaction fast, simple, secure and very convenient.
  • It works on all mobile phones, be it smart phone or none smart phone.
  • No need for internet connection.
  • The service is readily available every hour of the day and night and transaction can be made at any time.
  • And lots more.

Features Of Wema USSD Banking

Ability to;

  • Open a wema bank account.
  • Check your account balance.
  • Send money/funds transfer.
  • Airtime and data purchase.
  • Generate PIN.
  • Change PIN.
  • DStv, GOTV and Startimes Subscription.
  • Bill payments.
  • And lots More.

How To Register For Wema Bank Mobile Banking – How To Activate Wema Banking Code

For you to start using the wema bank transfer code as a wema bank customer, you will have to complete the registration to activate wema bank transfer code and it’s very simple, easy and faster and will only take few minutes.

To activate the Wema bank code, all you have to do is to dial *945# using the phone number you used to create your bank account. Once you dial the *945# on the phone, reply with 0 to select wema bank USSD banking registration, proceed and choose option 2.

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Now, follow the prompts to complete the registration you will be asked to enter your wema bank account number, the last four digits of your atm card and other information as the case may be. Provide all the required information.

Upon providing all the required information, you will be asked to create a four digits transfer PIN, Enter four digits PIN that will be easier for you to remember at anytime, you will need this code to complete all USSD code transactions. Now complete the registration and you’re good to go.

Wema Bank code ShortCodes
Wema Bank Codes

Wema Bank Transfer Codes

In this section, I will be revealing the Wema bank USSD codes and the usefulness of each. To;

  1. Send money: Dial, *945*beneficiary account number*amount#
  2. Buy Airtime: Dial, *945*Phone number*amount#
  3. Check account balance: Dial, *945*0#
  4. Check your account number: Dial, *945*000#.
  5. Change PIN: Dial, *945*00#.
  6. Open a Wema Bank account: Dial, *945*1#.
  7. Change Account number: Dial, *945*2*old account number*new account number#
  8. Perform a careless withdrawal: Dial, *945*8*amount#.
  9. Self recharge: Dial, *945*amount#.
  10. Reactivate account: Dial, *945*5#.

How To Send Money From Wema To Wema Bank

As it has been stated in the earlier part of this guide, performing transactions with the use of USSD code is very simple, easier and faster and on this note, transferring funds from wema bank to wema bank is very simple and you don’t even need to be connected to the internet.

To transfer money from wema bank account to another wema bank account, all you have to do is to dial *945*the recipient account number*amount# and send. For example, if you want to send 20,000 naira to another Wema Bank user and his/her account number is 1234567890, then you’re going to dial *945*1234567890*20000#. You will be asked for your transfer PIN, enter it and complete the transaction.

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How To Transfer Money From Wema Bank To Other Banks

If you want to transfer money from a wema bank account to another bank in Nigeria, there is no special way to do that and you will be to send money to other banks, same way you send it to a wema bank account as instructed in the earlier part of this guide.

To send money from wema bank to another bank, all you have bro do is to use the wema bank transfer code. Simply Dial *945*the recipient account number*amount# and send. For example, if you want to send 10,000 naira to another Wema Bank user and his/her account number is 1234567890, then you’re going to dial *945*1234567890*10000#, enter your transfer PIN and complete the transfer.

How To Buy Airtime From Wema Bank

Buying airtime from wema bank has been made easier by the introduction of the USSD code banking and to buy airtime for yourself or others on Wema is as simple as dialling a simple USSD code and you will get your airtime immediately.

To buy Airtime for yourself from wema bank, all you have to do is to dial *945*amount#. For example, if you want to buy 200 naira airtime for yourself, you will dial *945*200# and the airtime will be sent to you immediately.

To buy Airtime from wema bank for others, all you have to do is to dial *945*the recipient phone number*airtime amount#, for example, if the line you want to recharge is 08000000000 and you want to send airtime of 300 to the line, all you have to do is to dial *945*08000000000*300# enter you transfer PIN and complete the transaction.

Conclusion: This guide has been able to reveal all you need to know about the wema bank transfer code, how to activate it and detailed instructions on how to use it for all purposes. Upon reading this guide, you should have understand how the wema USSD code banking works, it’s benefits and how to use it without any issue.



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