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How To Copy Text From A Screenshot

how to copy text from image

I recently agreed with the fact that many individuals actually wish they could found a simple trick to convert an image to text but later moved on thinking it isn’t possible, this is my little observation that prompt me to write a detailed guide on how to copy text from a screenshot.

And guess what?

Copying text from an image is very simple, easy and you can archieve this within the blink of an eye.

Step-by-step Guide To Copy Text From A Screenshot (Image To Text)

I have take my time and look closely to observe that many individuals mostly found some images interested and wish to replicate the content of the image without willing to use the actual image itself.

Here is the deal:

In this article, I am going to show you the detailed information on how to cut, copy and paste words from a screenshot without any difficulties or method that will subject you to a very long process before achieving your aim. I am going to show you the shortest one.

And here is another Banger!

I am going to show you how to copy and paste text from image or screenshot in multiple ways, which will give you the chance to select the one that is best and easier for you.

The guide to be revealed in this article is also free and you won’t need any subscription before you can enjoy the tools to be shared in this article.

It’s absolutely free! That’s amazing right?

Now, without further ado let’s dive into the main discussion and steps to get This done.

In this article, I am going to show you, three (3) different ways in which you can copy text from any image or screenshot. And the methods are:

1. How To Convert image to text using Google lens.

2. How to copy text from a screenshot using text on Screen.

3. How To extract text from an image using text scanner (OCR).

NOTE: all the method stated above may have different terms but they are all saying the same thing. And at the end of this tutorial, I am going to tell you the method I love most amongst the three.

Now, let’s take each method one by one for proper explanation.

First Method

How To Convert image to text using Google lens.

Google lens is an application that allows you to copy and paste text from a screenshot or any image in just two click.
Follow the steps below to extract text from any image using Google lens.
1. Click here to download Google lens from playstore.
2. Now, open the Google lens app and locate the library icon as shown in the picture below.
Import image from gallery
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3. Once you Click on the library icon shown above, you will be redirected to your phone gallery where all images on you mobile phone are located.

4. Select any image or screenshot of your choice, I mean the image you’re willing to convert to text.

5. Once you select the targeted image, all the texts on the image will be highlighted, then long click on it and extend the indication to the area of your choice.

6. Click on the copy text button as shown in the picture above and boom! You text is ready and you can now minimize the Google lens app and go to where you wanted to paste the text to.

Take away from using Google lens;

There are two extra functionality you will have access to, by using Google lens to extract text from your images.

1. You can highlight the text and search for it on the Google in just one click.

Like in the example above, if I need more information about the text I just highlight, I will just click in the search button beside the copy text and I will be redirected to Google.

2. You can easily translate the text from another language to English language in just a click.

Let say, the text you just highlighted is written in another language and you wanted to copy the English version of the text, just click on the translate button which is the third button and boom, you will have the English version of your text.

Now, let’s move to another method:

Second Method

How to copy text from a screenshot using copy text on Screen

Copy text On Screen is also an application that allows you to copy and paste text from a screenshot or any image in just two click.
Follow the steps below to extract text from any image using Google lens.
1. Click here to download Google Copy text on Screen from playstore.
2. Now, open the Copy text on Screen app and locate the library icon as shown in the picture below.
Import Image to copy text app

3. Once you Click on the library icon shown above, you will be redirected to your phone gallery where all images on you mobile phone are located.

4. Select any image or screenshot of your choice, I mean the image you’re willing to convert to text.

Select text language

4. You will be asked to select the language of text on the image, now select the appropriate language by clicking on the button shown on the picture above.

Here you have to select the language that is written in the image, not another language, if the text is in English select English, if it’s in Chinese select Chinese and etc.

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Scan the image

5. Once you select the targeted image and click on the button shown above, all the texts on the image will be scanned and saved to scan list, this is where all the image scanned by you are saved.

All scan menu

6. Now open the appropriate file as shown above.

Note: once you Click on the button above, you will be redirected to the scan list menu automatically, so you don’t need to be worried on how to locate it. And if you are opening the app afresh, it will be your landing page before further actions.


Your text is ready

7. Copy the required area and boom! You’re done already.

Difference between Scan copy and Google lens

The only difference between the above mentioned app is that, all your scanned image are saved for future copy on the Scan Copy app while on the Google lens, once you close the app screen, your scanned image is gone, you will need to repeat the same steps if the needs for the text on the image arises.

Now, let’s move to another method:

Third Method

How To extract text from an image using text scanner (OCR)

This gonna be the third and and last method to be discussed in this article, in this method, I will explain I details, how to extract text from an image with the use of text scanner (OCR).
Follow the steps below to copy text from screenshot or any image using text scanner (OCR);
1. Click here to download text scanner (OCR) from playstore.

2. Now, open the text scanner (OCR) app and locate the library icon as shown in the picture below.


Import Image

3. Once you Click on the library icon shown above, you will be redirected to your phone gallery where all images on you mobile phone are located.

4. Select any image or screenshot of your choice, I mean the image you’re willing to convert to text.

Your text is ready

5. Your text is ready! But, with this method, you can either copy your text directly, export it in form of txt or as pdf.

If you want to copy it directly, then just copy it as shown above but if you want to export it as pdf or txt file, just follow the simple steps below.
Export your text
1. Once your text is ready, click on the export icon as shown above.
2. Once you Click on the icon shown above, two options will pop up as shown below.
Choose your file format
3. Now select any option of your choice. If you intend to export it as txt file, Mark the box for TEXT and if you want to save it as pdf, mark the box provided for PDF.
4. Now, click on save and you’re done.

What is different between the 3 methods that are being discussed?

Hey! You might be wondering why I dropped there (3) different methods, but reason is not hidden in anyway. But I will also give you 2 main reasons why revealed three different methods all in one Post.

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1. It increases the flexibility of getting this task done for you in such a way that if you found the first method not interested, you will still see one that is best for you among the remaining two (2).

2. All the three methods have one thing that others lack, what I meant by this is that each method have one functionality that is unique to another. Let me draft them out Incase you didn’t notice them.

Method 1: using Google lens

Google lens allows you to translate the highlighted text from one language to another in just a click. For example, if the image text was in Chinese, it gives you an option to translate it and copy it out as a text written in English Language. And also the ability to search text in one click. This are two features that cannot be found in the other two methods. You can scroll up to the first method for detailed explanation on how those two features works.

Method 2: using Copy text On Screen

Copy text on screen can help you save your scanned text till infinity, in such a way that you can actually scan an image right now and left without copying it. Come back bro the app at anytime and locate your scanned text and copy it out. Guess what? The remaining two (2) methods lacks this feature.

Method 3: using Text Scanner (OCR)

Text scanner (OCR) will actually gives you 3 options in which you can convert your image to;

1. You can copy it out as text directly.

2. You can export it as txt file.

3. You can export it as PDF.

And you will agree with me that the remaining two methods lacks this feature.

Wow! You have grab three (3) different methods on how to copy text from a screenshot and how to extract text from image. I am very sure that by now, you have had all it takes to cut copy and paste text from an image.

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